Awkward encounters

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I walk through the corridors to the potions classroom. The Slytherin house has a meeting with Snape.

I pass Cedric on my way and realize that this is a perfect opportunity to gain some good karma. I stop turning and jogging after him. His long legs taking him faster than mine will.

" Cedric!" I call a few feet behind me, he turns with a smile " Well hello there Ellie," I smile back at him.

" I just wanted to say, you should really give your egg a bath." I say confidently, he gives me a confused look.

" What do you mean?" he asks taking a few steps closer, " I mean, take your egg for a swim in the prefects bathroom." I say with a shrug. He furrows his brows about to say something. When it seems to hit him, his mouth hangs open in an o.

I grin, he recovers smiling back " You've been helping Viktor right?" I nod. He nods his smile widening into a grin " Thanks for the tip." he shoots me a wink and turns heading the opposite direction he was heading.


Snape separated the boys and the girls on either side of the room. So I'm stuck standing awkwardly beside Daphne, trying not to notice her glances towards me. And instead exchange a few words with Millicent.

" The Yule ball," Snape sneers, not sounding at all amused by the idea. He stops in the center of the room " has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament, since the beginning." he looks around the room with an eyebrow raised.

" The ball is first and foremost a dance, I trust you all know the basics of slow dancing." He questions his gaze lingering on Crabbe and Goyle as well as a few others. He walks throughout the room " If you do not, here's your chance to learn."

He looks around his eyes lingering on Draco " Mr, Malfoy, I trust you know how to dance." Draco nods with a smirk " Perhaps a demonstration?" Snape says raising an eyebrow. It's not actually a question it's a demand and Draco knows better than to disobey Snape.

He nods walking to the center of the room " You may choose your partner Mr. Malfoy." At that Draco turns to me with a grin and I frantically shake my head. I know how to dance but I'd honestly rather not be the one to demonstrate it.

He walks towards me and holds his hand out despite my objection. I huff in frustration placing my hand in his. He guides me to the center of the room, and music starts. I place my hand on his shoulder his lands on my waist.

He begins to move and I follow his lead. His eyes don't leave mine as we move around the room swaying to the music. Snape orders everyone to pair up, Blaise and Daphne pairing and swaying beside us.

I risk a quick glance at them and accidently catch Daphne's eyes. I turn away quickly cursing to myself. I hear heated whispers pick up beside me noting Blaise's voice slightly louder than Daphne's.

I shake my head returning my gaze to Draco, He smiles at me knowingly. He doesn't actually know of course I would never tell him. I don't plan on cutting him out either though. I just need to distance myself from Blaise, And eventually Draco.

My decision won't change on this. It's better for my friends to not be my friends when the war starts, as Lucius assured me it will. It will only endanger them to have anything to do with my family. Draco is the only one who's untouchable, guarded by his fathers loyalty.

the music stops and I remove my hand from Draco's shoulder, nodding to him with a smile. He returns it and Snape rambles on about the details of the ball before finally ending it with.

" I trust you won't embarrass the Slytherin name," he drones " If you do, Detention for the rest of your time at Hogwarts." He says casually and a few people groan.

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