Mother dearest.

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I don't know exactly what happened the last night, And I've shut down Daphne anytime she asks about it.

So I sit in the great hall in silence with my friends, but not totally there. I watch Zen as he appears through one of the windows, dropping a letter into my lap.

I pick up the crisp black envelope, I know it's an update however the last one wasn't the best so I hesitate. I open the letter with a sigh, my eyes flicker across the page for mere moments. I don't have to read very far into it.

I drop the letter in front of me, putting my head in my hands. She's worse, I hadn't known much about what was going on. But apparently I've missed a lot, She's in the hospital again. However this time she's actually sick, like my father was. 

I pick up the letter again, reading through the rest of it, my eyes resting on the last few words.

Things are changing Ellie.

I don't understand what he means, but it must have something to do with my mother. It's rather cryptic, however I assume soon I'll know what he means.


I walk down with Draco, Crabbe and Theo. I've decided to visit Hagrid, to offer my support. I know it must be terribly hard for him.

The boy's stop on top of the hill to watch, I stay with them looking out over the small hut. eyeing Buckbeak laying peacefully in the garden.

" Ah come to watch the show?" I turn to Draco's voice, seeing Harry, Hermione and Ron approach. Hermione takes the lead, " You! you foul loath some, evil little cockroach!" she raises her wand pressing it to Draco's neck as he cowers against the stone.

" Calm down Granger." I say turning to scowl at her from where I'm sitting, my legs dangling off the edge of the hill.

She ignores me " Hermione, he's not worth it." Ron whines from behind her, she stills thinking for a moment before lowering her wand and turning away.

Draco looks at her a moment before starting to laugh, she lunges at him punching him in the face. I stand walking over to her, pushing her back with a flick of my wrist.

I walk up to Draco glaring at Granger before walking away with the rest of them. I turn after a minute to look at Harry " Give Hagrid my condolences." he nods and I turn away.


I sit Draco on the couch in the common room. I walk away grabbing a cloth from the bathroom and freezing part of it. 

I return to the couch a frown on my face at Parkinson, clinging to Draco again. I ignore her sitting on his other side, and grab his chin gently turning his face from side to side. It was a pretty hard hit, the skin is already a purplish color; starting to bruise.

" That Bitch." I mutter quietly with a roll of my eyes, he laughs lightly and I press the cloth to his nose. When he doesn't move to hold it himself, I grab his hand pressing it to the cloth and get up.

I regret not going down to see Buckbeak but at the time I was more concerned for Draco. Maybe later I can head down to see Hagrid. I take a peak at the clock with a sigh. I turn to Draco smiling at him.

" I'll be right back." I say walking out of the common room.


I still plan on seeing Hagrid, it's almost curfew but I know if I truly tried I'd be able to sneak back in afterwards. I pass one of the corridors to see Lupin hurrying down it.

My curiosity gets the best of me and I follow. He hurries out of the castle looking around him as he does. I almost get caught a few times when Lupin suddenly turned to look for a noise behind me.

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