Blue eyes... I MEAN SKIES.

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" I'm never going to forgive you." I hiss wringing my hair out, " Yes you will," Draco grins.

Were still on the beach I've taken my, now soaked white sundress off.

Still glaring at Draco and Blaise, " I most certainly will not," I say bluntly looking at the ground.
" Yes you will especially if we do this." At that Draco and Blaise both shoot me puppy eyes, I must admit it's very overpowering.

" That's. Not. Fair!" I say annunciating each word with a smack from my towel. They sit down on the sand laughing up at me, I can't help myself and I laugh along.

I look around the beach taking in everything, my eyes locking with a pair of bright blue ones attached to a wide smile. I look down at the ground hiding my face from Eden.

" Seriously do I need to throw you in again?" Draco scowls before turning and glaring at the beautiful boy.

" Definitely not," I say quickly noticing the stare down that seemed to be happening. Draco turns back to me his face still in a scowl. Blaise is still glaring at the boy muttering something to himself, I snap my fingers in front of his face and his head snaps around to face me.

" Shall we go?" I ask smiling down at them, " No I'm enjoying the view." Draco says but he's not looking around instead he's looking at me. Blaise smacks Draco's chest and Draco snaps out of his trance his cheeks turning a bright red and I laugh.


Blaise and Mrs. Zabini agreed to join us at our manor for dinner. So the three of us have time to kill before then, We hangout in my room.

" So, who was that boy?" Draco asks, he had seemed lost in thought for quite awhile but I had just left him to think whilst talking to Blaise.

" His name's Eden." I answer looking at him curiously " What were you guys talking about?" he asks looking at me intensely. Blaise snorts " Jealous much?" he teases and Draco smacks him with a book from my nightstand.

 I laugh along with Blaise as Draco's cheeks go red, " Awhh, so sweet!" I tease him ruffling his hair. He swats at my hand before hiding his face in one of my pillows.

Blaise grins widely at Draco " ooh, more competition!" Draco glares at him, " Please there's no contest, therefore no competition." I say lightly. Draco huffs dropping his head back into my pillow.

" Oh, but we can make it a contest!" Blaise says rubbing his hands together, I reach across Draco retrieving a book from my nightstand and chucking it at Blaise. He catches it and I groan he opens the book pretending to be interested " Oh yes! this is the book I was looking for thankyou Ellie!"

I cross the room to where he's sitting in my chair and swat at him, he grabs my wrist and pulls me down on his lap and begins to tickle me. 

" BLAISE I SWEAR, TO MERLIN IF, YOU DO NOT, RELEASE ME I WILL, AVADA, KEDAVRA YOU!" I yell at him. I hear Draco chuckling from my bed and Blaise laughing so loud it's echoing in my ears.

I shove at him trying to get out of his grip before he releases me and I fall to the ground with a thud, glaring at him.

" Oh Merlin, I've dropped the princess." He dramatically tilts his head back holding the back of his hand to it. Draco gasps " Not the princess!" before they both break out in laughter, I grin at them but eventually I laugh along.


I wake up in the middle of the night to a quiet knock at my door, and automatically assume it's my Mother.

" Come in." I say quietly sitting up and looking towards the door. I expected my mothers face to peek around my door, what I didn't expect was to see Draco's.

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