Apologizing to the serpent.

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" I'm sorry," we both say at the same time, causing us to laugh. I motion for him to continue, " I truly was going to ask you," he says with an awkward smile, referring to the yule ball.

" Why didn't you?" I ask my tone curious, he blushes slightly " I was afraid you'd say no," he says looking down at his lap.

This I do not understand, wasn't me kissing him a clear sign that I would say yes? What reason would I even have to say no?

" You shouldn't have worried about that," I say my tone firm, " I was waiting for you to ask me." I admit.

His eyes move up to look into mine. I draw in a deep breathe, pushing it out before continuing.

" I would've said yes in a heartbeat." I fiddle with my ring twisting it around my finger, and turning towards the fire.

The room is silent but not uncomfortably so. I watch the flames lick at the dark grey stones that make up the fireplace. I don't attempt to speak, and neither does he. The only time I even look away from the flames after however much time has passed. Is when I hear quiet footsteps on the stairs.

I turn to see Aris, Instead of heading to his room he takes the opposite path past mine. I groan in annoyance, is it so hard to follow rules? 

Draco looks at me curiously as I go to stand. I shrug heading out of the room, to my surprise he follows, probably curious.

I head up the stairs about to pass my room when he grabs my arm, instead pulling me inside. I scowl at him but he doesn't let go of my arm.

Instead using it to pull me towards him as his lips meet mine. Soft and warm and eager, moving slowly against mine. I don't kiss him back, it would be wrong to do so. Instead I gently place my hands on his chest pushing him away slowly.

It's wrong to go kissing Draco while I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with Harry.

I don't meet his gaze my left hand still on his chest, the only difference is it's now clenched into a fist. I don't bother hiding the pained expression that resides on my face.

" Blaise was right." I hear him mutter, so low it would have been inaudible were I not only an arms length away. I look up to meet his gaze, what had Blaise said?

" You like him don't you." he says his voice getting louder, as he takes a step towards me. I don't respond because I don't know what to say. 

I shrug before throwing out my arms in frustration. The fact that I have no clue what to say frustrating me to no end. I pace back and forth in front of my bed muttering curse words to myself, that I'd never say aloud.

He watches me with his brows furrowed " Well?" he hisses impatiently.

" I don't know!" I yell turning to face him, not caring if anyone hears. His eyes widen slightly at my sudden outburst, before his brows furrow again. I return to my pacing, not quite knowing what to do. I can't even storm off cause he's standing in front of the door.

" What do you mean you don't know?" he questions, I can tell he's trying to keep his voice calm. I sit on my bed with a huff, falling back and covering my face with my hands. I hear a few steps and then the door closing.

I assume he's left, but my bed giving in beside me says otherwise. A hand grabs my left arm pulling it away from my face, before gingerly pulling the other one away too. He looks at me with his head slightly tilted.

" so, you don't know if you like me?" he asks the hurt evident in his tone. I groan in annoyance, once again it's been turned around.

" No, I know I like you." I say quietly, he looks at me his brows now furrowed in confusion. I sigh, I might as well admit my feelings for Harry while he's already mad at me, no need for a separate occasion.

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