Home for the Horror.

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Were due to go home tomorrow morning, so today we hangout in the courtyard. I received a letter from my mother this morning, she was home and doing well; as she claimed.

I lean against the fountain, smiling at my friends as they talk about the Quidditch cup  coming up. Draco, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle are absolutely beaming excitement.

I talk with Daphne asking her about her plans, as we watch the boys bicker.

" What are we ever going to do with them," Daphne questions with a laugh as the conversation gets heated. They're arguing over what team they think is going to make it to finals. " We could always leave them be?" I say with a sarcastic smile.

She rolls her eyes walking over to the boys, I watch as she attempts to calm the argument. I know enough to know she won't succeed. I watch the bickering continue, laughing as Daphne gets dragged into it. Them interrogating her about which team she thinks will win.

I hear a yelling coming from behind the boys. Harry appears surrounded by a large crowd, clutching what appears to be a new broom. I smile at him as the bickering around him grows louder.

He mounts his broom and I look to see a glare plastered on Draco's face. Harry takes off and a cloud of dust flies up behind him, the group cheers and Harry yells at the top of his lungs.

I laugh watching him fly through the air at lightning speed. I stand walking to Draco's side, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tight as he scowls at Harry. He turns to me his face lightening in the slightest before turning back to scowl at Harry.

" You know at some point you'll have to get over that," I smirk at him and he looks down at me. " Get over what?" he scowls, I lean closer to his ear " It seems like your jealous." I say quietly and he raises an eyebrow " Of what exactly?" He questions.

I roll my eyes " Harry's getting all the attention, cause he's 'the chosen one'." I say holding my hands up and making air quotes. " But, in reality you want all the attention on you." I smirk at him as he turns away lookin at the ground.

" It's okay," I say lightly sighing and looking at the ground, " At least you have my attention." I say with a laugh. He turns to me with a smile " At least." I grin at him squeezing his hand with my own.


Draco and I board the train, finding an  empty compartment and enter closing the door behind us.

I take my usual seat next to the window as we wait for our friends to join us. We sit in silence for a minute, I turn to look at Draco " Do you think mother will be at the platform?" I ask him in a quiet voice.

I really missed her, I had stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays again. so I hadn't seen her since before I left for the school year. I've been hoping that she would make an appearance at the platform like last year.

He thinks for a minute " I think so, she was there last year." he shrugs looking out the window " Maybe she'll come this year too." he smiles over at me and I nod " Hopefully."

Blaise enters the compartment with a huff, plopping down across from me scowling at the floor. I look to the door for the rest of our friends, but don't see them.

" Where's Daph?" I ask raising an eyebrow, " And Crabbe and Goyle." Draco adds his voice has a sharp edge to it. Blaise rolls his eyes " No clue where the goons are, Daphne's busy gossiping in another compartment with a few other girls." he says his voice laced with annoyance.

I roll my eyes " A compartment full of girls," I start my voice mimicking shock " And your here?" I gasp smirking at him. He rolls his eyes " Someone's got to supervise." He grins triumphantly at his comeback.

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