Look who's here.

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His eyes widen as I gently release my mother, placing her gently on the floor. I stand and walk past Narcissa without a word. I don't hesitate when I see Draco hesitating outside the door, his eyes looking at me with sadness.

I walk into my bedroom, closing the door quietly behind me. I look around at my room, the grey's and whites suddenly being too bright. I walk to my window tugging the curtains closed, It makes little difference.

I sit on the edge of my bed, my expression blank as I stare at nothing in particular.

I ignore the knock on the door. Instead turning with my wand outstretched, " Colloportus." I whisper quietly. I crawl into the center of my bed, pulling my knees up to my chest and letting the silent tears fall.


I haven't left my room in a week, I had no need to. I used Zen to send an owl to my uncle and cousins. I don't know whether they're here yet, but they should be soon. 

I look up from my spot seated on my bed to bickering, that seems to be happening outside my door. I roll my eyes, pulling my knees up and placing my head on them.

" Oh whatever, Malfoy." I  don't need to open the door to know who's voice it is. Instead I ignore it, only looking up when I hear the next words. " Alohomora." the door clicks before opening, I turn to glare at the person at the door.

" Hey there,  princess." Aris says a light smile on his face, I glare at my cousin putting all my anger into it in hopes he'll go away " It's locked for a reason Aris." I say coldly.

He rolls his eyes " I know your boyfriend told me," he smirks, " he's not my boyfriend." I mumble glancing past Aris to Draco looking at me worriedly. He closes the door and walks to my bed, throwing himself on it when he gets close enough.

I continue to glare at him with all my might, he just grins at me " So what's up?" he asks casually. " what's up," I scoff, " that's all you have to say, you already know what's up." I hiss.

He rolls his eyes " Yeah, Marcus and Viktor told me I should leave you alone." He shrugs. Viktor's here? " But I don't listen." he laughs. " clearly," I roll my eyes, I turn to him with a curious expression " Why's Viktor here?" I ask confused.

He frowns " Cause I asked him to come," his expression turns sad " I figured it would be alright?" he looks to me for an answer. I nod it makes sense Aris would want his best friend to be present at the funeral. I had invited Blaise and Daphne, so it only makes sense.

" So where's Marcus?" I ask curiously. Though Aris was always the one I hung out with most, I did miss Marcus. " He's downstairs," says a grin growing on his face, " Watching Father obsess over you." he laughs. " And what is he obsessing over now?" knowing my uncle he's likely causing trouble.

He sighs " Well first he was obsessing over the Malfoy's," I groan and he laughs, his tone changes hinting at disgust " Now he's obsessing over the fact you don't have an understanding yet." he makes a disgusted face, scrunching up his nose.

I groan falling back onto my bed " He's ridiculous!" I yell dragging my hands across my face. He chuckles " At least you don't live with him," he rolls his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose. I turn to look at him " At least," 

I sit up getting an idea " Technically, you don't have to." he scoffs " And where do you suggest I go?" he questions raising an eyebrow, " Here!" I say holding my arms out motioning around me. He sits up narrowing his eyes at me, " Really?" I nod standing from my bed " your old enough now, you can live here." I smile slightly at him.

He nods " True, Definitely something to think about." he smiles at me, " While you think about that, I'm gonna go save the Malfoy's from your Father." I give him a sarcastic smile and walk to my bathroom.

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