
613 17 7

A/N: Welp, enjoy friends. *smut warning*👀 ( also peep the aesthetic^^ isn't it cute? lol)

I wake up on the couch is the room of requirements, alone. I look around, not quite sure what time it is or how long I've been in here. Draco seems to have gone somewhere, perhaps to his game.

I jump up when I ear the doors open. I look towards the doors from my spot behind the couch. And breathe a sigh of relief when I see Draco standing walking in. He's holding a Slytherin jumper and a pair of black jeans, as well as my makeup bag.

I smile at him standing from behind the couch " You scared the crap out of me." I say laughing lightly.

He smiles back " Sorry, here." he says handing me the jumper, jeans and makeup bag, which I assume Daphne got for him. I smile looking him up and down, he's dressed in his Quidditch robes and I smile

" Ready to catch the snitch?" I ask and he nods.

I walk behind one of the piles of hidden things. I slip off my dress and pull on my jeans. I hold up the jumper and smirk at the name written on the back, in all capital letters.


For some reason it made me feel good to wear his jumper. Especially since the scent of his cologne still lingered on it, as well as a hint of mint.

I walk back out into the open adjusting the jumper. It's a couple sizes too big, but I'll manage. He's sitting on the couch reading one of the books, but looks up with a smile when I reappear.

He puts the book down beside him and holds out his hand to me. I walk forward, taking it and he pulls me down on his lap. I smile as my legs straddle him and he smirks, placing a hand on my waist.

I lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips " Thank you." I say quietly.

He smiles, pulling me back down to his lips " No problem." he mumbles against my lips. I laugh lightly as his lips move slowly but passionately on mine. I smile against his lips, parting them slightly and he takes the invitation, deepening the kiss.

Both his hands go to my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer to him and moves his lips down to my neck. He places warm open mouthed kisses all the way down to my collarbone. Making the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

His hands move to cup my ass as he sucks on the skin on my neck, a light moan escaping as he does. He grins widely, his lips finding mine again, more hungrily this time. His lips moving faster against mine and his hands moving back to my waist. 

His hands slipping ever so slightly under the jumper. I smile against his lips, his warm hands against my cold skin making a shiver go down my spine. 

I pull away slightly, looking him over for a moment. He tilts his head, curious why I've decided to pull away. And probably wondering where he went wrong.

I hesitate for a minute, before my hands go to the base of my jumper and I slip it over my head. Looking back at him to take in his reaction.

He looks me up and down, seeming stunned as his eyes run over my body. Lingering on my white lace bra. He swallows thickly as his cheeks turn red and I laugh lightly. I pull his chin up and press my lips to his again in a hungry kiss.

His hands move up my waist slightly, hesitating, before running over the lace that covers my chest. I let out a soft moan as he squeezes ever so slightly, making him grin. He runs his hands over my toned abdomen smiling all the while he does.

I pull away slightly " What time is your game?" I question looking at the clock. 

He groans looking over at the clock on the wall " It's in an hour." he says tracing lines along my abdomen.

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