Watch for snowballs,

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Umbridge is going around questioning Professors, which I think is completely unnecessary. At this point it wouldn't be far fetched to call her the most hated Professor.

I walk quietly to my potions class, which I share with Daphne. But the loud voices echoing through the hallway catch my attention. I decide I'm never late to potions so for one day I'll be fine if I run a little behind. I follow the voices to the front entrance. Where I push through the crowd to see Professor Trelawney standing dumbfounded in the center, along with all her things.

I narrow my eyes at Umbridge who stands before her, and Filch carrying another of her bags. She walks forward almost tripping over her suitcase, that Filch had just set in front of her.

" six- Sixteen years." she stutters her voice shaking " I've lived and taught here." she says quietly.

" Hogwarts is my Home." she says her eyes brimming with tears as she does so. She swallows thickly looking around " You-you can't do this." she says quietly, her voice cracking as the tears fall over her eyes. She clutches on tightly to her bag as her eyes plead with Umbridge.

Umbridge has the same sickly sweet smile on her face. She raises up a piece of paper mocking a pouty face " Actually, I can." the smile returns as the words leave her mouth.

Trelawney begins to sob and McGonagall rushes towards her to console her.  " Oh dear," she says holding Trelawney closely to her, as she looks at Umbridge. A glare I've never seen displayed on her features before, in the spot her gentle smile normally sits.

Umbridge smiles at her " Something you'd like to say, dear?" she says politely.

" Oh, there are several things I'd like to say." she says her voice cracking. She turns back to Trelawney whispering reassurances. While shooting withering glares in Umbridge's directions.

The giant front doors open with a loud boom and Dumbledore appears. He looks over the scene as another sob escapes Trelawney's lips. He walks swiftly down the stairs towards them." Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside." He says in a stern voice. 

McGonagall does just that, as they pass him Trelawney stops " Thankyou, thankyou." she mumbles holding his hand in hers for a moment while McGonagall leads her away.

" Dumbledore," Umbridge's sickly sweet voice rings out, " May I remind you, that under the terms of Educational degree number twenty-three as enacted by the Minister-"-" You have the right to dismiss my teachers," Dumbledore says interrupting her " You do not, However, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster." He says sternly.

Her smile fades, but not a moment later it reappears " For now," she says confidently. 

Dumbledore turns walking away from her " Don't you all have studying to do." He shouts and everyone goes back to milling about. Umbridge stands there for a moment looking around. Her gaze lingers on me before she smiles wider and walks back inside.


It was already becoming obvious that the order wasn't doing well. And I was just getting in deeper than I wanted to with Voldemort. The letter from Lucius had been more of a favor, a request, nothing I hadn't been doing already.

Why he felt the need to ask me to watch over Draco I had no clue, but I do without hesitation. We have been on better terms lately, and me having barely spoken a word to Harry since we got here helps.

Most of my classes are with Draco so there's really no problem there, But why he'd ask that I have no clue. It seems Draco doesn't either, I haven't asked him about it of course, but he does seem quite happy to have me following him around.

Since we don't have to worry about classes, considering it's the weekend. I follow my friends as they trudge through the snow towards Hogsmeade. I'd much rather be visiting Trelawney, but seeing as I promised Lucius, here I am. 

Okay that's not all. The real reason is Parkinson has decided to follow our friend group, and I don't want her near Draco when I'm not around. Call it jealousy or whatever but I don't trust them alone. I really shouldn't bother knowing how much Draco despises her, but I can't help it.

I watch as Crabbe and Goyle start chucking snowballs at each other. The whole group stopping to take cover from the oncoming attack. I laugh as Pansy gets a snowball straight to the face, curtesy of Blaise.

I watch Draco as he laughs sitting behind a rock rolling a snowball. I get an idea, quickly rolling a snowball and throwing it right for him.

It hits him in the side of the face, and I duck down just in time for him not to see me. However I get curious and go back up to quickly, taking a snowball to the face. I laugh rolling another snowball and running towards him, I chuck it at him and it misses.

" Shoot," I mutter running to get behind my rock. However I'm not quick enough. 

" Not so tough now are you." I squeal as Draco lifts me off the ground. He heads towards Blaise, the latter grinning at him as he gestures to a pile of snow.

This moment reminds me of the day on the beach in Italy. I can't help wishing we were there now, no order, no Voldemort. Just fun and relaxation rather it be on the beach, or a spontaneous snowball fight.

I look up to Draco my eyes pleading with him " Draco, please don't." I say sweetly. He laughs continuing towards the pile " Please?" I ask sweetly. 

He rolls his eyes " Begging won't work El," he pauses before adding " as much as I like it." he says with a shrug, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. I squeal as he drops me into the pile, he laughs and I reach up grabbing his jacket and pulling him down.

His eyes widen as he lands beside me in the pile and I laugh. He throws a handful of snow at me, laughing as he does so. He mocks a scowl standing and brushing himself off before extending his hand out to me. I grin at him taking it and he helps me up.

When he pulls me up I end up far too close for comfort. His eyes staring back at me from only inches away. The light reflecting off the snow makes them look bright blue, reminding me of the  beaches in Italy.

His gaze wanders down to my lips for a split second. Then without warning his lips are on mine. He moves them slowly and I reciprocate, enjoying how warm they are, and the way my stomach begins to tingle.

I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him in place. And his arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him. I forget all about the snowball fight, and Voldemort, and the order.

Instead I focus on his soft lips moving eagerly against mine. His tongue licks at my lips, but that's as far as we get.

Out of nowhere a snowball smashes into the side of his head. I pull back looking over, having completely forgotten where we were. The snowball fight has stopped, and everyone's looking at us now. Blaise looks at me and jokingly gags, I laugh releasing Draco. I make a snowball and chuck it at his head.

A/N: Hey Guys! Sorry for not posting Saturday I had plenty of things to do for school. I am literally a master procrastinator so I had so much piled up I had to complete.

As always let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in the upcoming chapters, I can always add it in. I'm currently working on The Half Blood Prince. So if you have any suggestions, as always comment them below.

I am putting Riddle on momentary hold. I'm going through and editing chapters to make sure it all plays out right. So for at least a week there won't be any updates for that. Sorry if this is upsetting, but I want it to play out right.

As always, Thank you for reading I love you all so much. Feel free to send any feedback or message me any suggestions. I'm on here writing almost everyday ( due to my school being closed ) so don't hesitate to message me.

Love you all!

( My oh my, that was a whole Ted Talk.)

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