Can you do nothing right Potter?

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" Oh shut up." I hiss as we step through the doors of the manor. He grins at me, swinging our hands back and forth like a child.

" What? was it something I said?" He asks innocently, a mock pout on his face. I turn and scowl at him before shaking my head in disbelief. Of course it was something he said, a snide comment to be exact.

He laughs quietly " All I'm asking is if my Mother showed you my childhood photos," he asks but I know there's more to it " Because otherwise where would you get the idea to wear you hair like that? Obviously you saw a picture of me when I was eleven, did you not?" he asks his tone laced with amusement.

I place a hand on the double doors to the living room and glare at him. He gives me one last glimpse of the grin before it's wiped off his face. Replaced by the emotionless expression that protects us in situations like this. Where emotions deem you weak and vulnerable, so we've both learned to hide them very well.

I push the door open just in time to hear Bella screech " Where are they!" at Narcissa. The three of them turn to the doors and Bella rushes over. " Well take your time why don't ya." she says sarcastically, grabbing Draco's hand and leading him away.

I drift over to stand off to the side with Narcissa. I offer her a small smile as I approach and she returns it. As soon as I'm beside her I feel my nerves start to ease off, her presence is oddly comforting.

I watch Bella as she grabs hold of a skinny boy with brown hair and chubby cheeks. His face looks like an inflated balloon, it looks swollen. Did he possibly catch something inn the forest? Or was this simply the wrong boy?

No it's not because Granger and Weasley are standing off to the side, held by snatchers. Both of them switching between withering glares my way and worried glances towards Potter. It's quite easy to put it together if you think about it. We know they were traveling together, so why not just end this now.

Was there a plan in place for someone to come save them? Would Snape interfere? No he couldn't, we were both so close to ending this. Who would come for them now? was there a plan, was this a trap for us? A simple plot twist, I would be ready if it was.

" What do you mean you're not sure?" Bella asks Draco as he stares intently at Potter. Draco just frowns at the boy, Bella turns to me with a smile " Princess? mind to take a look?" she asks mockingly. I furrow my brows at the nickname and she just rolls her eyes at me.

I take a few steps forward, peeking over Draco's shoulder. He moves out of the way and I catch his eyes for a matter of seconds, but I can see that he knows. He knows it's Potter he's just not saying anything, but why?

" Draco," Lucius says quietly walking over and wrapping an arm around him " Look closely son, if we were the ones to hand Potter over to the dark lord everything would be forgiven. All will be as it was, understand?" he ask desperately.

" Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr. Malfoy." One of the snatchers asks, his tone condescending. I can already tell Lucius isn't going to like that, I can see it on his face.

Lucius's face contorts in rage " You dare talk to me like that in my own house!" he says his voice getting louder towards the end of his sentence.

Narcissa rushes over " Lucius!" she practically hisses, her tone annoyed. She places a gentle hand on his shoulder, guiding him away from Draco.

Bella glares at him before turning to us " Don't be shy, come over." she says. 

I kneel down before him and look him dead in the eyes. Even by just looking in his eyes you can tell it's him. His bright emeralds stare back into my eyes with an emotion similar to worry, panic and fear, perhaps a mix of all three.

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