Diagon Alley

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After all our friends had left I spent the next few days going to business meetings with Lucius and hanging around with Draco afterwards

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After all our friends had left I spent the next few days going to business meetings with Lucius and hanging around with Draco afterwards. Today we were supposed to be going to Diagon alley to get everything we needed for school; including my wand which I was really excited about.

I get up and look through my trunk trying to find something appropriate to wear, I end up with a black leather skirt and a light grey long sleeve shirt which I tuck under the skirt. I grab my black boots from my trunk pulling them on and run out of my room.

I stop at Draco's door knocking three times and wait for a reply, "Yeah?" I hear him say through the door " Come on Draco we have to go!" I say excitedly, He Groans and the door opens. He's wearing a black suit with a matching tie and dress shirt, his hair slightly pushed back and a lazy smile on his face. I take a moment to take him in if it weren't for the soft smile on his lips and the fact that they probably don't exist I'd say he looked like a fallen angel.

I shake the thought out of my head and grab his hand pulling him along behind me as I dash down stairs and wait for Lucius and Narcissa; shifting so that my arm is laced through his instead of holding his hand Lucius appears Narcissa by his side and an elf holds up a small bowl of grey dust.  He takes some and then steps through the floo.

"Diagon Alley!" I say as I throw the dust down at the flames and walk through.

It's much darker than I thought when I appear in diagon alley, I take a minute to look around at the shops, there are no students milling about like I'd thought there would be, instead there's adults who look like they just escaped from Azkaban. I whirl around looking for Draco or Lucius and don't see anyone.

"Elliana!" I hear Lucius's voice from behind me and turn towards the sound, I see him rushing towards me and I run over to him "

" you shouldn't be here It isn't safe" I frown at him It's not like I meant to come here, I meant to go wherever he came from. He grabs my hand and pulls me the way he came from turning down alley's and entering onto a different street, Now this is must where I was supposed to appear; Their are hundreds of students and parents wandering along the street most glancing or stopping to stare at them.

I let go of Lucius's hand and walk to Draco's side, He holds his arm out and I lace my arm through his. Draco suggests getting our books first and I nod following him as he guides me wherever were going. There seems to be a big buzz going on inside the small store where some sort of book signing is taking place, he shoves his way through the crowd rolling his eyes, I watch him looking through the books.

"it can't be, Harry potter?" I hear the man at the front say, Draco turns suddenly interested. We watch as the man pretty much drags the boy to him taking a picture and handing him a stack of books. Draco scoffs and starts towards the boy and I trail behind him " Bet you loved that didn't you Pottah" Draco spits at the boy, I assume he knows the boy and I continue to listen in from behind him. " famous harry potter can't even go to a book shop with out making the front page" Draco hisses, A small red headed girl steps in front of him " Leave him alone." she says sternly, Draco laughs and I suppress a giggle " Oh look potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend"  Draco says laughing and I can't help the laugh that comes out of my mouth; drawing the attention of a frizzy haired girl and she looks at me curiously and the others glance at me before turning their eyes back to Draco.

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