Me, Myself and Him.

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It feels good to be home even if it's just for a little while. With everything going on it's been quite hectic, having my mind wrapped around so many things. Its very peaceful in the manor, with Aris not here and all.

I received a letter from him two days ago. He had apologized for the late notice, informing me he was spending Christmas with his father and brother.

I didn't mind being alone, I didn't prefer it over being with friends, but I was fine with it. 

I walk out to the garden, a book in hand. I sit down on one of the chairs, Mori appears placing snacks and tea on the little table. I offer him a smile and he returns it, hurrying back inside soon after.

I take in the scenery of the garden, the walls are covered in ivy. Multiple small trees in large planters along the sides. Different types of flowers spring from the soil in the rectangular shaped flower boxes. A long rectangular table with chairs off to the side, our garden parties all but forgotten about. A few more little tables and chairs are around the room, as well as benches. It's all covered by a large greenhouse therefore the inside is warm, but not unpleasantly so.

I smile to myself opening my book and beginning to read. the sounds of the wind outside, and the quiet music playing creating a peaceful atmosphere.

So peaceful that I hadn't heard the door open. arms wrap around me and I jump dropping my book, turning to face the intruder, wand out.

I sigh in relief when I see Draco, a shocked expression on his face and his hands raised in surrender " Merlin El!" he shouts staring at me wide eyed.

 I scowl at him " You're the one that scared me!" I say lowering my wand, placing it in my waistband. His eyes follow it lingering for a second before snapping up.

He scratches the back of his neck, an apologetic look on his face " I didn't mean to startle you." he says calmly.

I shake my head, it's not his fault I'm so jumpy. I never was before, he was probably expecting me to know it was him, which was reasonable. Considering he doesn't know the things I do, the people I've met recently. Which is why I had assumed the worst.

" No, no, It's my fault," I begin dragging a hand over my face " I just didn't hear you come in." I say quietly, reaching down for my book.

His hand gets there before mine, picking it up for me. He hands it to me and I smile at him. He smiles back, reaching his hand out to me. I place my book on the counter, taking his hand.

He pulls me into a tight hug and I relax into his embrace. Practically melting at his touch, the feel of his strong arms holding me tightly. The comforting scent of mint and citrus creeping up my nose.

I absently breathe in his scent, not thinking much of it. He holds me in his arms for a few minutes, neither of us attempting to let go. Which is fine by me, considering I feel like in this moment his arms are holding me together.

He pulls away slightly, tilting my chin up with his hand. And planting a gentle kiss on my lips. I smile against his lips making him smile too. It only lasts a few seconds, but it doesn't stop the warmth from spreading through my body.

I let out a content sigh, I pull him towards the table, taking the seat opposite of him. I hold my hand out in front of me and the teapot levitates and begins pouring tea in a cup. I push the cup towards him smiling and putting my head on my hand.

I've been practicing wandless magic, so the fact I could do that pleases me. That and Draco seems rather impressed, which also makes me happy.

" How was your day?" I ask genuine curiosity lacing my tone. 

He smiles " Rather boring, actually." he states lifting his cup and sipping his tea.

I had hoped he'd have something exciting to tell me. Seeing as I've been stuck doing nothing but reading books for the past two days. Well that and practicing potions. I think last night was the first time I've ever seen Mori angry, which makes sense. Considering I nearly blew myself up attempting at making Felix Felicis; Or Liquid luck.

He sets his cup down smiling at me " How about you, what have you been up to?" he asks curiously.

I smirk " Not much, reading, blowing up half the basement, more reading." I say in a casual tone. His eyes widen " What?!" he asks, I look at him innocently " Reading?" I say my tone sweet.

He rolls his eyes playfully " No, I heard blowing up half the basement, what happened?" he asks his face changing to a worried expression.

I let out a nervous laugh " I may or may not, have been trying to make Liquid luck." I grin at him.

He looks at me with a shocked expression " Why?" he asks. I shrug, I'm certainly not going to tell him I felt the need to have it laying around. He'd ask me why and what am I supposed to tell him? I was brewing it because I recently became besties with Voldemort, this way maybe it will help with him not killing me. Besides, it would've been a big help in Quidditch next year.

He narrows his eyes at me " El?" he questions. Why'd he have to call me that it's not fair when he does that.

I shrug " I was bored." I say casually. I go on to tell him about the events, describing the almost perfect potion, that is, before all hell broke loose. Also trying to perfectly describe my furious house elf's face.

We break into a fit of laughter, not calming down until Mori appears beside me. " Mistress Ellie, would you and Mister Malfoy like us to bring you dinner?" he asks politely. 

I look to Draco tilting my head to ask if he wants to, he nods and I turn to Mori " That would be great thank you." I say sweetly, he nods disappearing.

It doesn't take long for the food to appear on the table, as well as plates and silverware. I flash Draco a smile, sipping from my tea and picking at the food on my plate.

Draco feels the need to tease me, stating that I eat like a bird. Reminding me of the day I spent at Grimmauld place, when Ron had said the same thing, though he ended up being wrong.

" Perhaps your patronus is a bird" he says casually, I scowl at him. He raises his hands in defense " Hey, it would make sense." he says raising his eyebrows.

I roll my eye's " It's not," I say defiantly, he raises an eyebrow 

" And how do you know that?" he asks.

I frown " I don't." I admit. 

He laughs " Let's find out shall we?" he says standing and offering his hand to me.

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