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After Christmas. I've decided that after Christmas break I'll return to Hogwarts. There was so much to take care of here, things that needed attending to. I couldn't leave before then and get behind again.

Snape has compiled for me everything I've missed in the past few months. Surprisingly it's all nothing new to me. I've learned a lot from my books and from watching others at the ministry. The subjects like Herbology and Care for Magical creatures are the only ones I have no practice for.

Today Pius has planned for me to journey to Hogwarts with him. Something about the Ministry checking in to ensure things are going well. However I know it's just an excuse to pass off information to Snape. I am only there to fulfill my role as his intern or prodigy, whatever he refers to me as.

I was also going to see McGonagall while I was there. I hope she might have some answers about where the trio is. Perhaps I was only searching for a silver lining.

I wore a long grey coat seeing as it's getting colder. A white loose blouse with little silver buttons on the front, and to top it off a pair of black dress pants and some high heeled boots. I also carried one of my black purses which held files.

When we arrive we're greeted by Snape and his entourage, which consists of a brother sister trio. The Carrows I believe are in charge of potions and DADA. They're cruel looking at the best, gruesome smiles plastered on their faces. I can tell they're trying too hard to make a good impression, however Pius already knows of their cruelties.

I follow along quietly beside Pius as he walks with Snape. The Carrows cast glances my way and I do my best to ignore them. Something about my presence brings a bitter feeling about them. Whether it be because they know who I am or because they don't.

The students who walk quietly through the halls glance at me curiously. Probably wondering why I'm walking with him rather than being at school. I notice a few familiar faces and offer them nods of acknowledgement as I pass.

However when I see Daphne I almost can't help myself from enveloping her in a hug. It's been so long since I've last seen her. Part of me wonders why she didn't come with Theo and Blaise to see me. Then I think twice and realize it was exactly what I didn't want, I had let my emotions get to me.

However when she notices me she beams at me. She releases Theo's hand and rushes over to me, pulling me into a hug.

Before I reciprocate I glance to Pius who has stopped talking. I shoot him an apologetic look and he smiles gently, returning to his conversation. I wrap my arms around her and  nuzzle my head into the side of her neck and she lets out a relieved sigh.

She pulls back, holding me by the shoulders " Where have you been? I owled you at least once a month and you never answered?" she asks her voice carrying a hint of hurt.

I frown, this whole time I thought Daphne had forgotten about me. I had even written her letters asking if she was mad at me for something. I guess my letters had gone wherever hers were. I had a sneaky feeling I knew exactly who was behind this.

" I haven't received a single letter from you." I say truthfully " If I'm being honest I thought you were mad at me or something." I say with a sigh.

Theo walks up behind her and smiles at me " Nice to see you again Ellie," he says sincerely. I smile at him " It's been so long." he says sarcastically. I laugh and he grins at me, Daphne looks between us with a curious expression.

" What's that supposed to mean?" She asks, a hint of suspicion in her tone.

I smile at her " Theo came to Locke manor with Blaise, I'm surprised you weren't there?" I say calmly.

Talking With Snakes||D.MWhere stories live. Discover now