Author's note.

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Hello Friends,

Unfortunately this marks the end of our journey through Ellie and Draco's story.

I can't believe I even made it as far as finishing the story. In the beginning it was just for fun and I had thought I'd just end up forgetting about it but I didn't, instead I kept going.

I spent many long hours writing this book, even stayed up way past the healthy time to get things done. However I will never come to regret the memories that have planted themselves in my head.

Elliana, Aris, Marcus, Adria, Eleazar, Eden, Archer and Zenith will never leave my mind. It's safe to say that both my OC's and the J.K. Rowling characters in this book have left a huge imprint on my life.

(Pack it up Jacob Black, sorry had to :))

These characters will always be in my heart and they will NEVER be forgotten.

I hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing this story. I'll admit many spontaneous decisions were made in my book, however they always took me where I wanted to go and I ended up where I wanted to.

I honestly don't think it will be easy to let these characters go, they mean so much to me. Each and everyone of them now have a special place in my heart.

There's a few people I would like to thank, so bear with me.

@sofiamalfoy08 -Who was always reading and commenting which made me so happy that I can't even explain it.

@Amazing_Grace_Acorn -Who has helped me in so many ways with deciding factors in this story and others. But also for reading every chapter and leaving comments behind that made me laugh.

@ ...I am up to no good. ( I don't have their username anymore :()
I had someone else who I really wanted to thank but unfortunately their account was deleted. I haven't since been able to get in contact with them which is actually kind of sad. Nonetheless is they read this then they should know I appreciate them.

If you have any questions please let me know, I will try my best to answer them as well as I can.

I also have to say that I'm quite obsessed with Zenith. I don't think he's a character I can let go so I might have him in another book as a sort of 'Easter egg'.

Or I was thinking I could do a book about him and Allie, however I want to know how you guys feel about it first.

If you have questions please ask them here >>>

For the last time on this story...

Lots of love,

p.s: I'm literally shaking, okay that's it I love you all.

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