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A/N: ^^ My Queen^^

My eyes widen and I shove Granger away and run out of the way. I just barely make it and have to jump out of the way of it. I land on my side as I hit the ground the chandelier crashing to the ground a foot away from me.

Lucius steps forward a Potter reclaims his wand from Draco who had picked them up earlier. Harry stupefies him, sending him flying towards the back of the room, landing unconscious on the floor.

Bella completely ignores it " Stupid elf! You could have killed me!" Bella screeches. I push my self up, accidently placing my hand on a shard of glass that slices my palm. I wince as I look up, my brows furrowed at the elf standing on the banister.

He frowns " Dobby never meant to kill, Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure." he says shyly.

Narcissa attempts to cast a spell, to which Dobby snaps his fingers a spark emanating from them. Her wand flies out of her hand and lands in his. His tiny fingers gripping it tightly as he looks down at it with a slight smile.

" How dare you take a witches wand!" Bella screeches from the opposite side of the room. " How dare you defy your masters!" she yells, her tone absolutely furious. Narcissa stands a few feet in front of her sister, breathing heavily with a shocked expression on her face.

Dobby furrows his brows at her " Dobby has no master," he starts and I watch curiously as he stands a little straighter " Dobby is a free Elf." he says sternly. I watch the interaction with a curious expression, ignoring Draco's hand reaching out to me " And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter, and his friends!" he says.

He reaches out to them and they grab his hands. I see them start to twist about to apparate away, hopefully somewhere safe. When a glint of silver catches my eye whizzing past my head. I watch the dagger disappear into the portal desperately hoping it hits the goblin and not Potter, Granger or Weasley.

A deafening silence befalls the room as they disappear. Everyone in their own thoughts worrying about their own things.

I'm starting to really hope Granger has good healing capabilities. If that dagger hit Harry than it's game over, the dark lord wins. Everyone will lose hope, there will be nothing left for them to fight for anymore. He was a symbol of hope to everyone in the wizarding world, what would they do without him?

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn to see Draco. He extends his hand to me and this time I take it, letting him pull me up. He keeps his hand intertwined with mine as we both stare at the spot where Potter just was.

I get the feeling we're both thinking the same thing.

I frown before looking back up and releasing Draco's hand. I look around the room to see if everyone is okay. Bella is standing staring at where Potter just was a hopeful look on her face. Narcissa is tending to an unconscious Lucius, to whom Potter had stupefied.

I start to walk over, to see if I can help in some way " El." I turn to Draco with an eyebrow raised. His eyes travel down to my palm, the blood from the cut on my hand dripping down my fingertips. He walks over to me and takes my hand " Klutz." he mutters, I roll my eyes and pull my hand from his.

I give him a gentle smile and he returns it before our exchange is interrupted by a loud scream. I turn to see Bella stomp her foot on the ground, her expression one of frustration. She slumps her shoulders and looks down at the ground in disappointment.

Then her head perks up her eyes wide " We mustn't tell him about this." she says quietly. Narcissa looks up from Lucius to her sister, Bella glances at her and Narcissa nods; understanding. Bella's gaze goes to me and I nod to her, letting her know that I too understand.

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