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" Let me introduce you to your new Defense against the dark arts teacher, " he says drawing out a pause " Me,  Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, third class. Honorary member of the Dark force defense league, and five time winner, of witch times weekly, most charming smile award " He flashes a smile at us and I hear a few girls sigh, I groan rolling my eye's. " But I don't talk about that, I didn't get rid of the ban and Banshee by smiling at it "  the girls swoon, I let my head fall on the desk with a thud.

" Now be warned it is my job to arm you against the foulest  creatures known to wizard kind. " I look up narrowing my eyes, Draco glances at me noticing my sudden interest. He taps the cage and it begins to move around "you may find yourself facing your worst fears in my room, know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here, I must ask you Not to scream... it might PROVOKE THEM!" he pulls the blanket off the cage, to reveal small blue pixies " Cornish pixies " a boy laughs behind me and I scoff staring at the cage. " really 'the foulest creatures known to wizard kind' " I scoff scowling at Draco who snickers, I Ignore the 'Professor'. That is, until his hand goes to the cage pulling the pin.

The pixies fly out of the cage and the class goes into panic, I stay in my seat while Draco, Crabbe and Goyle swat at the pixies. " Go on, Round them up!" Lockhart says I glare at him while people run around the room. Lockhart runs up the stairs to his office " if you all could just round them up " he says with a panicked smile before frowning; noticing my glare. And closing the door to his office.

One of the pixies tugs at my hair, I grab my book and smack it away pulling out my wand and hex the pixies that were attacking Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. I look around and see harry swat at a pixie that was tugging at Grangers hair. " That's it!" I stand holding my wand in the air  "Immobulus!" I shout and the Pixies freeze I glare at no one in particular, " Why is it always me?" I look up to see Neville hanging from the light fixture. I glare at Lockhart peeking out the door, "Coward" I mutter grabbing my books and walking out of the room.

" what a bloody moron!" I hiss when I hear my friends behind me, " Tell me about it " Draco scoffs. I'm headed down to the dungeons but Draco stops me " Ellie" I turn to face him, " I have to go to quidditch" I nod turning away " are you coming?" I turn towards him " oh yeah I'll meet you there " he nods and turns to go the other way, I don't plan on going.

I enter the common room walking past Daphne and Blaise sitting on the couches, I hesitate before entering the dorms turning around and raising an eyebrow at Blaise " shouldn't you be somewhere?" I question. He gives me a questioning look, then his eyes widen seeming to remember, he jumps up and runs out of the common room. I laugh and walk into my dorm.

I grab a book  from my bedside table and exit the dorms, smiling at Daphne as I go. I walk out of the castle taking up residence in one of the court yards.


I don't look up from my book when I hear the Bickering start in the courtyard, I'm sitting with my back against the lamp post connected to the fountain my nose buried deeply in my book. " Easy wood I have a note " the boy starts to read the note aloud but I tune him out " A new seeker? you've got a new seeker? alright then who is it?" I glance up noting Draco move to the front of the group "Malfoy?" Harry says in shock, I grin at my bestfriend. I see Hermione and Ron rush towards the group. 

" That's right Potter, and that's not all that's new " Draco tosses his new broom between his hands, I watch the scene unfold smiling. " that's the new Nimbus 2001 " Ron says and I swear I see drool coming from his mouth. "how did you get those ?" he asks curiously " They were a gift to us, From Draco's father " the one at the front says " Unlike yours Weasley, My father can afford the very best " Draco states raising his eyebrows, I roll my eyes.

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