transfiguration fling.

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I follow Viktor and Aris to the black lake. The next task is only two days, we've figured out the clue but not the treasure aspect.

Vik is trying to practice different under water breathing spells , but we settle on one. He's decided to try and transfigure himself into a shark.

I tried to talk him out of it, and to something simpler he wouldn't budge. He pulls off his shirt and wades into the water. I sit on a fallen log, feeling the slight chill through my long sleeve now that we weren't jogging.

I skipped charms for this and if he isn't done in time for potions I'm leaving. I watch him in the icy water, growing frustrated as the spell fails.

I laugh as he throws a temper tantrum splashing at the water. he turns " You Try It Then!" I laugh strolling towards him.

( A/N: were skipping the whole process here but, I'm too lazy to do the work.)

I clutch my wand 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus' I chant in my head an a pain tears through my chest, the feeling of a heart beating next to mine appears. I fall to the ground and decide to stay there.

The fiery sensation spreads through my body and I wince. Someone places a hand on my shoulder and I push them away. I picture the animal clearly in my head, making sure every detail is exact.

The pain stops as I drop my wand, my heartbeat becoming normal again. I look down to my hands, but instead of hands their paws. I stretch out my back as well as my legs.

I look up to Aris and Viktor's shocked expressions. I give them a wolfy grin and strut towards the water looking at my reflection.

I smile every detail is perfect. My eyes stare back at me, the difference? they're slightly brighter. Other than that the white wolf stares at me goofily in the reflection. I jump up and down excitedly.

I walk towards Viktor I stand just slightly below his waist. I trot mockingly around his legs, he rolls his eyes at me.

I watch him return to the water and again become frustrated. I curl up with my wand in my mouth.


I pace anxiously as I picture my human form. Viktor had poorly managed his shark form, but it would do. Transfiguring was easy, it's going back that was the problem.

I hand my wand to Aris and he pockets it, " Let's go see McGonagall, I'm sure she can help." I nod, following them as they walk towards the school.

We reach the bridge and walk swiftly, passing Harry, Hermione, Cedric and a few other students. We walk through the corridors, passing Pansy and scaring the living daylights out of her; it was funny.

The boys walk into McGonagall's classroom I follow staying hidden behind them. I hear a chair scrape across the floor, making me wince. " Hello boy's, what can I do for you?" she asks politely.

" Well..." Aris starts his voice dying out as they step to the side. I walk forward laying down with my head on my paws and whine.

Her eyes widen " And who's this?" she looks me over, I cover my eyes with my paws.

" Uh," Aris starts not sure what to say, " ,Ellie?" he finishes. McGonagall gasps " Miss. Locke, gotten yourself stuck have you?" she says worry lacing her tone.

I let out a whine, she chuckles " All you must do is picture your human self." she says lightly.

I growl lowly dragging my paws on my face. " She already tried that." Viktor says, she nods " Miss, Locke you stay with me, I was going to send for you anyway." she says with a sigh.

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