Yule ball.

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We spend the morning getting ready in our dorms. Mori brought me my dress this morning but I haven't put it on yet. Instead I focus on my hair, I straighten it out and loosely curl the ends. Letting the front strands hang in front of my face after curling them.

I hear a frustrated grunt from behind me and I turn to investigate. Daphne tugs at the brush in her hair, Pansy and Millicent look to me wondering what to do. I look at them with a sad expression before walking slowly to Daphne.

I wring out my hands as I approach. She see's me in the mirror and looks back at her hair. She throws the brush on the desk in frustration. I stand behind her awkwardly, I sigh reaching for the Brush. I look at her in the mirror for approval and she looks at me confused.

I gently pull the brush through her hair, taming it so it lies flat. She offers me a smile and I give her a half hearted one, turning away. 

I sit back at my desk grabbing my makeup bag and applying a light brown eyeshadow. I add blush to my cheeks, and a swipe of pink  lip gloss. 

I sigh looking at the mirror, taking in my appearance. Working with Viktor paid off. I note my toned arms. And when I stand up I can see the slight trace of abs beginning to form on my abdomen. As well as my jawline that has become slightly sharper.

I stand turning to my bed to look at my dress. The girls had been in awe when they saw it. Only I noticed the slight imperfections in the design. I pull on the dress carefully moving my hair out of the way.

I turn to Daphne " Do you mind?" I ask quietly pointing to the zipper on the back. She nods smiling " Of course!", she hurries over helping me zip it up. I smile at her, she goes to turn away but hesitates turning back.

" Could you help me?" she asks motioning to her hair, I nod. I help her pull her hair into a neat bun. I smile at her in the mirror leaning down and wrapping my arms around her neck. She smiles back placing her arms on mine.

I straighten out with a sigh, " You look beautiful Daph," I say smiling wider at her. She blushes " Thanks Ellie." I nod turning away.


I grab Daphne's arm as she stumbles into the common room, tripping over her heels.

" Graceful." I tease raising an eyebrow, she laughs linking her arm with mine. We stop in the doorway and Daphne squeals as she looks to Blaise, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle all done up.

Blaise offers us a charming smile, Crabbe and Goyle grin as well. Draco stands still looking me up and down. Blaise nudges him and he shakes his head turning to smile at Daphne.

I have to admit he looks absolutely amazing. The regret creeps up as I look him up and down. He's wearing black dress robes, with a white shirt and tie. His hair is styled in a way that makes him look like a model. And the smile on his face is making me weak in the knees, even though it's not directed at me.

I fiddle with my snake ring while they chat, not looking up again.

" What no comment?" Blaise teases, nudging me with his elbow as we exit the common room. I smile at him, " You look dashing Blaise, as always." I say and he grins. 

We walk side by side and I eye the approaching stairs and turn to him. He offers his arm and I give him a grateful look. I hold his arm as we walk down the stairs. 

He looks over at me and it takes me a minute to notice his glance. Therefore not being able to mask it quick enough, " You okay?" he asks.

I take a deep breathe in " I'm fine," he shakes his head at me " What's wrong?" I look to him with a sad smile. I glance past him to Draco having a conversation with Daphne.

" I feel terrible," I admit, he raises an eyebrow " About what?" I look at him raising an eyebrow and glancing to Draco. He looks back quickly " Ah, I see what you mean." he offers me a sad smile.

We reach the staircase to the great hall and I see Harry waiting by the door. I look to Blaise " We'll talk about this later." he says smiling, I nod " Please don't hate me." I whisper looking to Harry. 

He laughs " Hate you?" he questions raising an eyebrow before scoffing " Never."

I smile turning to Harry. I watch Ron's eyes widen as he elbows Harry in the ribs. Harry turns to scowl at him and he nods to me. I smirk when Harry's eyes widen, Blaise lets out a snicker beside me.

Harry walks forward to the bottom of the stairs and I stop in front of him. Blaise releases my arm heading for the hall  " Save a dance for me!" he calls over his shoulder and I laugh.

" Hello Harry," I say smiling at him, " Hi Ellie, you look," He hesitates trying to find a word " Stunning" he finishes. I grin " Thank you, looking rather handsome yourself I might add." He looks down at his dress robes and blushes.

" Oh, there you are Potter." McGonagall says rushing up to us, " Are you and Miss. Locke ready?" He looks at her confused.

" Ready for what Professor?" he asks confusion lacing her tone, " To dance. It's traditional that the three champions, in this case four. are the first to dance." she says matter of factly.

His eyes widen and she continues " Surely I told you that?" He looks at her dumbstruck.

" No." he says bluntly, she smiles awkwardly " Oh well, now you know." 

She looks to Ron telling him to head to the hall and Harry turns to me. " Please tell me you can dance," he says panic lacing his tone, I laugh lightly " Of course, and I've been to a few balls before this one." I say reassuringly. He let's out a sigh of relief.

" Embracing the Princess spirit?" I hear a a voice ask, I turn to see Aris and Viktor grinning at me. I look at their red formal uniforms " Awe. So you guys decided to twin today, that's adorable." I tease.

They roll their eyes " Cousin, I must say you clean up well." I say smiling at Aris. He grins " Why thank you." I turn to Viktor but his eyes are behind me.

I turn to see Hermione she looks absolutely stunning. Her pink dress goes nicely with her complexion. " She's beautiful." I say nudging Viktor he walks forward and I turn to Harry.

" She sure is," he replies looking behind him to Cho. I laugh placing my hands on his shoulders and turning him to face Hermione. His eyes widen once again and I snicker.

I promise to save a dance for Viktor and Aris, as well as Harry promising Hermione one.

We line up with the others and end up last. I look to Harry and he's already looking at me, I smile. Instead of the nervous expression, I see his eyes sparkling behind his glasses and a grin. I smile brightly back at him. looking above his eyes to a strand of hair hanging over them, Instinctively I gently move it back into place, causing Hermione to giggle.

I move my hand lowering it and linking my arm with his.

" You ready?" I question, he gives me a sarcastic smile " As I'll ever be." I nod and McGonagall motions us forward.

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