Manor, sweet Manor.

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Random pic of a house ^^ and possibly Ellie's room add some more grey and a flowy canopy I thought this was cute lol ^^

Random pic of a house ^^ and possibly Ellie's room add some more grey and a flowy canopy I thought this was cute lol ^^

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My mother invited the Malfoy's to dinner at our Manor, which meant right off the train we used a floo to get there.

We entered out of my Fathers study, which was unfortunate. Only members of the Locke family were allowed in the study, I had hoped Mother would have us arrive in the living room.

Lucius's eyes went everywhere around my fathers study, and I tried to rush them out. locking the door when I had finally done so. There was far too many business details in the study for, not to be rude, an outsider to see.

As soon as they were in the living room and I had locked the study, I pulled Draco up the stairs to show him my room. I was very excited and I really hoped he would like it, after all my room was my safe haven and a way so was he.

It was how I remembered Books stacked of the desk and papers covering every inch of the same desk. My flowers had begun to wilt which was saddening but nothing Mori couldn't fix. I rushed to open the curtains.

" Ta Da!" I exclaimed he laughed looing around his gaze stopping one of the book shelves, I know what he's wondering why I have so many of the same book. " They're my fathers books," I explain grabbing the one from my bag and placing it gently on the shelf.

I point to the spines " English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Russian, Dutch, Korean, Japanese and," I point to the one I just added " German."

It had been a hobby for me, collecting my fathers books in every language I could find. I thought it was amazing all the different languages that were used in our world.

" They should make a Parseltongue one." He laughs teasing me, " Speaking of parseltongue." I pull back the sleeve of my grey blouse, " Welcome home Asha I think you'll like it here." We watch as the little snake slithers around my fingers.

'Why must the boy follow us everywhere' she hisses I laugh, " What? what'd she say?" Draco asks curiously. " She said she's happy your here." at that she hisses louder. Draco smiles holding his hand out to Asha, 'you moronic fool, I do not hail to you' she hisses 'play nice' I hiss back and she slithers to his hand.

I hear a tap on my door and I quickly encourage Asha to come back on my hand. " come in." I call.

" What's going on in here?" Lucius asks opening the door a crack, he eyes the snake in my hand curiously. " Father, Ellie can speak parseltongue!" Draco exclaims excitedly, I grin at Lucius.

He looks kind of startled by the news, he smiles " Let's see." he stands in the doorway and watches.

I hold my hand out closer to Draco 'Go see Draco' she turns to me and hisses 'No, I will not be held by that imbecile again' I laugh, 'just go' she turns and slithers up Draco's arm.

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