Monsters Beneath us

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I'm still in the common room when I hear it

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I'm still in the common room when I hear it. It starts as barely a whisper, but then is suddenly right in my ears. I freeze where I am next to Draco on the couch, with my friends looking at me curiously.

'Elliana Locke' the whisper sounds like it's above me, but it could be underneath me too. I look around narrowing my eyes, 'Oh how I've so desperately wanted to meet you' it says. 'come to me' I don't respond. 'come and I'll stop' " Ellie are you okay?" I look over at Draco and nod, 'no one will be harmed, anymore' am I supposed to respond?

I stand " I'll be right back ", I head to the door " Ellie it's passed curfew were not supposed to leave the common room." Daphne scolds. " I won't be long." I turn to go out the door, " I'll come with you," Draco says standing up. " No, I'll be right back." I say sternly and walk out the door.

'That's right follow me' I do following the voice I'm lead almost straight into Snape, McGonagall and Dumbledore. I duck into a dark corridor waiting for them to pass, Snape pauses at the entrance of the corridor narrowing his eyes. But eventually he continues on his way, I blow out a breath.

'Who are you' I question 'an old friend' the voice responds. I don't recall becoming friends with a random voice, but okay.

'Where are you?' I ask, " Ellie!" I turn to the voice and see Harry. " What are you doing?" I ask, he looks at me incredulous " I could ask you the same thing." he replies.

'Ignore him Elliana, come to me and I'll free the girl' I look around again, 'What girl?'. " It's talking about Ginny." Harry says looking at me incredulous.

'Come Elliana,' the voice states and I give Harry an apologetic look before running past him.
He doesn't follow " Come on Ron, we have to get to Lockhart."

I find myself in moaning Myrtles bathroom, 'That's it,' the voice says in an encouraging tone.
'How do I find you?' I ask, The floor moves in front of me, the sinks moving apart to reveal a tunnel.

"Huh" I raise my eyebrows, 'Come Elliana there is no time to waste, the girl is dying' I nod and jump into the tunnel hearing the sinks close behind me.

I land in a pile of bones, Human or animal I'm not sure. I see a tail disappear behind a corner and follow it.

I enter to a large room, There's stone Serpents rising out of water on either side of an aisle. At the end of the aisle is the face of, who I think is Salazar Slytherin.

It takes me a second but I notice a girls body on the ground and run towards her. I recognize her as one of the Weasley's " Ginny!" I yell shaking her gently, she doesn't respond.

" She can't hear you." A calm voice says from behind me, I turn taking in the sight.

The boy before me is obviously older, Maybe sixth or seventh year. He had black hair combed neatly to the sides a few stray curls hanging in his face. Speaking of his face his features are sharp and his eyes are dark but strangely warm, and his lips are pulled into a light smile.

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