Slug club: Take two.

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I feel bad leaving Draco alone with the vanishing cabinet. He was supposed to be doing a test with it tonight. But unfortunately I have yet another slug club party to attend. I was really not looking forward to it after the last one. But nonetheless I fumble around in my dorm, Daphne and Blaise watching me while I do.

I turn to them " How do you fancy pink?" I ask, my eyes focused on Blaise.

He shrugs " As long as I look good, I don't really care." he says nonchalantly. Daphne rolls his eyes at him as he tips his flask to his lips.

I nod throwing him a pink tie which he exchanges for his black one. He moves it into place and walks over to the mirror. Judging by the faces he's making to himself, I assume he likes it and walk into the bathroom as he coos to himself.

As always we've dressed to impress. Blaise in his dress robes and me in my dress. I've never once showed up to anything underdressed, and Blaise wouldn't dare to. His Mother would send a howler that would render even moaning myrtle death.

This time I've gone with a light pink dress. The bodice is made of  lace and is pretty much transparent another piece of fabric underneath hides everything. It has little crystals sprinkled  about the whole top half. There's a small slit showing off part of my abdomen, but modestly so. And the skirt falls slightly above my knees with ruffles on the side.

The long sleeves also made of lace extend down my arms, more little crystals sprinkled about. A small triangle on the lace covers the back of my hand, being held in place by my ring. I went with a different one this time, it looks like a silver vine wrapped around my finger. 

My hair hangs in loose curls around my face I'm yet to decide what to do with it. I walk out of the bathroom to see both Draco and Theo have joined us. Though the bruises have since vanished, Theo still feels the need to tease me about it. Only making it worse when he told Blaise.

As I walk out of the bathroom the two of them grin at me. I roll my eyes not at all surprised when they jokingly grab Draco and pretend to hold him back, while he looks at them confused. he struggles as they both hold onto his arms, and he scowls at them.

Blaise grins " Don't worry Ellie, we've got the Octopus." he says teasingly winking at me as he does.

" Yeah Ellie, we've got him, make a run for it!" Theo adds laughing as Draco swats at him with his hand.

I roll my eyes scowling at them " it's not funny anymore." I say trying to hide my embarrassment, but my red cheeks give me away.

They laugh as Draco shoves them off, walking towards me " You look lovely." he says quietly. He stares down into my eyes, his hands on my arms.

I smile at him " Thank you." I say reaching up and giving him a quick peck on the lips. I turn to Blaise " Up or Down?" I question pointing to my hair.

He tilts his head, looking me over " Up, here let me do it." he says sitting up on my bed and patting the spot beside him. I move and sit in front of him because I know it will be easier. I trust Blaise's taste more than anyone else because ours is similar.

He pulls part of my hair into a high ponytail, leaving a section to hang down. His fingers carefully parting my hair, trying his best not to tug. He twists a braided strand of my hair around the pony tail and pins it in place. He swats at the ponytail to make sure the braid doesn't loosen and we both laugh.

Once satisfied he motions to the mirror, I look over the due and smile " Daph, tell me again why Blaise isn't at girls nights?" I question with a laugh. She looks up and me and smiles shyly at Blaise who pretends he's offended.

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