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Classes are canceled the next day, as well as a memorial scheduled for the evening.

The four of us hangout in our dorm. Daphne had fallen asleep on my legs, I didn't blame her she was far too exhausted and upset. Instead I had just stayed where I was, my back stiff by morning, To which she apologized for.

I skip breakfast, ignoring Daphne's pleas to go with her. So I stay in my dorm, the multiple thoughts swirling around in my head. So instead of sticking to my dorm I pull on a long sleeved shirt and leggings. And head to the room of requirements.

I walk swiftly through the corridors, climbing the stairs to the third floor. and stopping in front of the blank wall. I think to myself wishing I had somewhere to let my frustrations out. The door appears and I don't hesitate.

A quick look around the corridor confirms no one is near. The room is the same as it was last time. I head for the couch, plopping down and letting my emotions consume me.

The fear the anger the sadness, everything. That way I can make sure it never shows when I face him next. Next time I will be completely emotionless. I will save my emotions for this room. Here the mask will slip, But no where else will it show.


On my way out of the room after about two hours and wander the halls aimlessly. There's about an hour till the memorial, so I still have time.

I hear voices approach as I near the end of the corridor. I look up as the trio turns the corner. My eyes instantly locking with Harry's.

I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding and walk towards him. I throw my arms around him relieved to see him walking about. He returns the hug squeezing his arms around my waist tightly.

I pull back slightly resting my hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eyes " Are you alright?" I question keeping my voice calm. I realize then that he must've noticed I wasn't there.

" Daphne told me what happened." I add when he gives me a curious look. 

He nods " I'm alright," he says calmly, I tilt my head doubtfully " I'm fine Ellie." he says more firmly.

I nod " Good," I turn to Hermione and Ron " How are the two of you?" they both offer me sad smiles " Were okay." Hermione says calmly. 

I nod " I'll see you guys later?" I question, they all nod and I smile at them turning away.


I change into my robes and follow Daphne to the hall

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I change into my robes and follow Daphne to the hall. Everyone sits together on the benches lined up in the hall, even the Professors sit with us. Putting up a united front, together as equals.

I'm seated beside Daphne, being our head of house Snape is next to me. McGonagall with the Gryffindor's and so on.

Everyone's expressions are sad as Dumbledore begins his speech. Gasps and whispers resonate when he mentions the return of Voldemort. I feel the pain stabbing at my heart as he goes on to mention how Cedric's death will not be in vain, I agree. 

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