Unexpected visitor.

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"So what, are we going to do now?" Draco questions. I shift in his arms to look up at him. We're back at my Manor, a few days later. We haven't been given a task and no one knows where Potter is.

It's early in the morning and we're laying in my bed. His arms wrapped around me and my head on his shoulder. One of my legs crossed over his and the blankets pulled up over us.

I shrug " No clue," I say softly, my eyes roaming his face. He looks older now, his facial features more defined. The bags under his eyes have faded and he no longer looks hollow. He's taller too, his body more toned. I barely reach his shoulders now, in heels I'm at his chin. 

" Maybe the same as we've been doing." I say calmly, my voice distant sounding. The past few weeks running through my head. Mainly spent going to meetings, reading and just hanging out.

He pushes a strand of hair out of my face, running his finger from my temple down along my jawline. Stopping under my lips, his thumb playing with my bottom one. His eyes staring into mine " You're beautiful." he says softly, his tone wondrous.

I smile, raising an eyebrow in question of the sudden subject. He smiles, pulling my chin gently towards his face. His lips connecting with mine in a gentle kiss, lingering for just a moment. Before he pulls away, opening his eyes and staring into mine.

I bring my hand up, resting it on his cheek " What's that for?" I question. My eyes glancing down to his lips, then back up to his eyes.

he doesn't answer, his grey eyes staring into mine. They're soft, like clouds, full of love and happiness. So different from how they've been the past few months. His emotionless mask gone only when we're alone. And in return I take mine down too, we have nothing to hide.

He shifts slightly, pulling me closer " When this is over," he starts, his tone soft and confident. 
" I'm going to marry you." he says, turning back to face me. I tilt my head to the side, making a gentle smile appear on his face " Would you like that?" he questions.

I smile, the thoughts flooding into my head. When this is over, it would be nice. To marry him would be amazing, I've loved him for a long time. He's been my bestfriend since I started at Hogwarts. To some people it's their dream to marry their bestfriend, I'm no different.

To one day live here as a married couple, to grow old and raise a family. Our own life to live without any interruptions would be nice. To sit out on the balcony with him and watch the sunset on the horizon together, for the rest of our lives. The thought of it makes me smile wider, It would be nice to make memories here, with him. 

He smiles at me tilting his head, awaiting my answer " I would, I'd like that very much." I say quietly. He smiles, nodding to himself as he looks up to the ceiling.

He turns back to face me, his hand grabbing my chin again. He pulls me towards him and I close my eyes, his lips meeting mine. He moves his lips slowly against mine, they're soft. The gentle taste of mint hitting my taste buds as he parts his lips.

I follow suit and his tongue slides into my mouth. The mixture of his cologne and the taste of mint making me dizzy. His tongue playing with mine, and his lips moving eagerly.

I reciprocate the movement, moving to lay on top of him. His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I smile against his lips, making him smile too. His fingers move under my shirt slightly, pausing there.

I nod and he slides it up, breaking the kiss for a second. Before he tosses it to the side and his lips crash into mine again. His hands working their way up to cup my breasts, he squeezes gently making me moan softly. Which makes him grin.

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