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A/N: I didn't know if I should pick out shoes or not lol. Once again feel free to imagine the dress however you wish, I simply found these and thought this look would be cute on Ellie.

I was going for a sort of ethereal look mixed with a sort of cottagecore style. I don't know if I accomplished it but also here are bridesmaid dresses. 


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A/N: Okay I'm done now, enjoy!

Four years after Hogwarts.

I sit quietly in the chair in front of my vanity. My nerves have been making me fidgety, so I busy myself by toying with a hair elastic.

The girls are all chatting behind me, Daphne and Ginny talking about Theo and Harry. Luna -my maid of honor- is sitting in a chair in the corner, watching me with a soft smile. Hermione is curling the ends of my hair, which has grown out, falling a few inches past my shoulders.

I bounce my leg as she stares at me in the mirror, her eyes worried. 

She had asked me multiple times if I was alright, I didn't want to admit how nervous I was, so I told her I was fine.

I twist my ring around my finger as I wait for her to be done. My eyes glancing over at my dress -hung on the door, still in it's bag- every few seconds.

Would he like it? I liked it, the girls had assured me that, that was all that mattered. However I wanted everything to be perfect, which meant I wanted him to think it was perfect as well.

" I might 'accidently' stab you with the iron if you don't stop." Hermione says, rather aggressively.

I frown at her in the mirror and her face softens " Are you alright?" she asks. I nod swiftly, letting out a sigh and she frowns " Are you sure?" she asks.

I nod " Nervous, just nervous." I say quietly, looking up at her. 

She smiles, waiting to see if I'll continue. I sigh " I want everything to be perfect, I want him to think It's perfect." I say calmly.

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