Telling tales

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He turns our eyes locking for a second before he's on the move. I turn to my right and run down the path, leading it away from my friends.

I stumble on the pathway, and it almost costs me. His arm reaching out to claw at me and missing by mere centimeters.

I run as fast as my legs will carry me, seeming just fast enough. I risk a look back and see Sirius following. I groan turning and coming to a halt, before flicking my wand and throwing him back.

Lupin looms over me now and I have to duck when he takes a swing, But as soon as I'm clear I take off again. I'm trying to get him as far from Hogwarts as possible. jumping over fallen logs and stumbling over numerous rough patches in the ground.

I glance back, making sure Lupin is still following. The only thing I see is his paw.

 I'm thrown back my body hitting the tree beside me, my head landing on a rock and the ache spreads throughout.

I look up at the werewolf looming over me, I'm definitely regretting this now. I groan trying to push myself up. I see him growling and walking towards me before something stops him.

A low howl echo's from somewhere in the distance, The werewolf looks around for it's source. I find myself searching the tree's seeing a flash of pink before another howl echo's closer.

I look up at the werewolf before it runs off. I breathe a sigh of relief, I go to stand but the ache in my head stops me from doing so. I sit there for a moment, merlin what just happened.

I grab hold of a low branch and pull myself up. Despite the protesting of my head, I look around for where I am. I see a bright light resonate from somewhere in the trees. 

I stumble towards it, holding on to branches as I go. I shield my eyes with my hand, I watch the boy point his wand at Harry. I'm about to but in when I see the dementors swooping down to Harry and Sirius.

I stumble closer, the shuffle of leaves under my feet alerting the girl beside the boy and she turns.

I take in her messy hair and pink sweater, my eyes resting on her face for only a second. She's looking at me wide eyed and it takes me a minute, with my vision being as fuzzy as it is. I shake my head looking back the direction I came before looking back at the girl.

" Hermione?" I question relieved, I squint my eyes at her just as my vision goes black and I feel myself fall to the ground.


I wake up to a nasally voice, I open my eyes blinking before sitting up with a start. I look around Hermione and the boy are gone, and the only person I see is Snape.

I look around " Where's Lupin." I question remembering the werewolf, " Taken care of, for now." Snape's voice drawls. " Everyone's okay?" I question and he furrows his brows at me " Yes, they're all fine." he adds calmly. I nod reaching for a branch and pulling myself up.

I sway slightly when I stand, trying to keep my ground proves difficult. I look up squinting, looking for the lights of the castle. I find them and stumble in that direction.

Snape hesitates behind me and I grab hold of a branch to steady myself as I turn to him.

" Come on, Ron's hurt and we need to tell Dumbledore about Pettigrew." I turn back in the direction of the castle. Snape following behind me.


I'm a lot steadier now as  walk into Madam Pomfrey's eyeing Ron. I walk quickly over to him, barely noticing Harry and Hermione on the other side of the room.

Talking With Snakes||D.MWhere stories live. Discover now