Breaking Contract.

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I can't go through with it, helping them with the poly juice potion I mean. They want to interrogate Draco, after last night I'm sure it's not him, He never would've admitted to it not being Potter if it were him, he would've pushed his points at me if it were him. That's why I walk slowly to moaning Myrtle's bathroom, dreading this conversation.

I hear Myrtle screaming before I step into a bathroom, a splash and then water almost reaches my feet. They look up smiling at me, Even Ron is smiling. I frown and turn to Hermione " All you need to do is follow the ingredients, Part 1 first stir clockwise 4 times wave your wand, and let it sit 80 minutes." I pause taking a breath "Add 4 leeches to the cauldron, then Add 2 scoops of lacewing flies to the mortar, crush to a fine paste, then add 2 measures of the crushed lacewings to the cauldron. Heat for 30 seconds on a low heat. then Wave your wand" I pause again "Add 3 measures of boomslang skin to the cauldron. Add 1 measure of bicorn horn to the mortar, crush to a fine powder, then add one measure of the crushed horn to the cauldron. Heat for 20 seconds at a high temperature. Wave your wand then let potion brew for 24 hours. Add 1 additional scoop of lacewings to the cauldron. Stir 3 times, counter-clockwise." I sigh " then add the DNA of the person you want to become. Then wave your wand over it." I stop.

they all look at me a stunned expression on their faces, I fiddle with my pocket pulling out the parchment, I clutch it to my chest with a sigh before holding it out to Hermione." I wrote it down for you." she looks at the parchment then back to me.

" Your not helping." Harry asks sounding disappointed " No," I look down at my feet " I can't help you when I know it's not him." I say looking up. " I told you this would happen," Ron say's and I scowl at him " it's exactly what I'd expect from a Slytherin." I turn to him glaring " This has nothing to do with me being Slytherin, I just know Draco isn't the heir." I hiss, " It just doesn't make sense." I shake my head.

" Good luck with the potion, I'll be going now." I turn around and walk out the door, " Ellie! Ellie wait up!" I slow down but I don't stop walking, " What do you want Harry." I question. " Why'd you back out?" he looks at me curiously, " I already said, I know it's not him." he looks at me coldly. " And how do you know that?" I turn to face him. " Because if it were him he wouldn't have believed me when I told him the rumors about you weren't true!" I hiss before storming off.

" What was that?" I don't turn at his voice, " Potter thinks your the heir, he was asking me about it." I scowl ahead of me " and what did you say?" Draco asks walking beside me now. I roll my eyes at him " Just that it's obviously you and he should do something about it." He grabs my arm stopping me from walking, I try to keep a straight face and he looks at me, he seems to be trying to read my face, I can't help it and I smirk at him. 

He grins shoving me away and laughing " Okay I'll admit you had me for minute there," I grin at him " I told him it wasn't you." he nods. we walk in silence for a few minutes, Before the thought hits me.  " Did you really believe me " I ask slightly offended. He looks at me, " I guess I did for a minute. " I frown, " That's rather disappointing," he looks at the ground. " You do realize I wouldn't do that right?" He looks at me curiously, he smiles wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

" I know that's why your my Bestfriend," He hesitates " Don't tell Blaise." I laugh and he grins at me, " No I think I will, only to rub it in his face that is." I grin at him. " come on, were going to be late"

We walk into the Large classroom there's a long table in the middle, I assume for dueling. We see our friends and walk over to them " Hey guys" Blaise says as we approach. A few people turn to look at us with a scowl, I ignore them. " Where were you two?" Blaise eye's us suspiciously,
" Just spending time with My Bestfriend " I say drawing out the My, Draco laughs, and Blaise  snorts " Ah, trying to steal my bestfriend?" he smirks raising an eyebrow, I shrug " hey, he said it himself I'm His bestfriend " I Grin at Blaise, He makes a pained look mocking a wince
" Oof, So you got friend zoned?" I gasp walking over an smacking him on the chest before. scowling at him. A few Slytherins as well as Hufflepuff's around us burst into laughter, And I laugh along.

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