Wasting Time

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Daphne wakes me up in the morning, I groan getting up and  pulling on my uniform

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Daphne wakes me up in the morning, I groan getting up and  pulling on my uniform. " come on Ellie, before you make us late and we miss breakfast and Snape hexes us " we both laugh. I tug a brush through my hair and leave it to flow down off my shoulders. We exit the dorms to see the boy's waiting for us, we arrive late to the great hall and  take our normal seats me next to Draco Daphne on my left and Blaise Crabbe and Goyle across from us.

Dumbledore stands at his podium welcoming us all to our first day of classes and wishing us luck, everyone in the hall claps. the food appears before us and we all dig in. I put some berries in a bowl and grab a croissant. " Father got Dumbledore to switch my class so that we have greenhouse together " Draco says smiling " I just can't get away from you can I?" I laugh he grins 
" Nope!" our group laughs. 

I pick at my croissant  as I listen to the boys talk about quidditch try-outs. " Father says if I make it he'll buy the whole team Nimbus 2001's " Draco whispers to our group, "That would be awesome, there's no way Potter would beat you. " Blaise says confidently I roll my eyes " I can't wait to knock Potter off his broom, maybe it'll knock some sense into him " Draco grins. I glance at the other table to the boy, I feel bad for him to be honest Draco's not one to hold back. My eyes catch Potter's for a second he looks confused by the pity in my eyes and I turn back to my group. " You guy's are gonna watch the try-outs right?" the boys look to me and Daphne, " Of course!" she answers for us with a grin on her face " maybe we'll get lucky  and someone will fall off their broom " she laughs the rest join in the laughter and I smile.


Daphne stands up " alright let's go " the hall has somewhat cleared out leaving our table almost empty " come on I don't feel like being scolded by Snape today " she walks off and I shrug following after her. 

My group takes their seats I groan looking at the only empty seat next to Hermione, I compose my face and sit next to her. " Hi Ellie " she says surprised, " Hello Hermione, I hope you don't mind the other seats are taken " she smiles at me " No, not at all " I turn to the front of the room. 

The class is loud and everyone's chattering till the door swings open with a bang and Snape enters. " Open your books to page 310 " he says in his nasally voice, I do as I'm told taking out my book and opening it. He blabs on about different types of potions, I ignore him doodling in one of my notebooks.

" Miss Locke?" I look up to see Snape standing over me " since you seem to feel there's no need to pay attention to my lecture, perhaps you'll answer a question for me?" he gives me a wicked smile " Of course sir " I smile back.  He thinks for a second " what is an Angels trumpet Draught?"
 he smiles thinking he's stumped me.

 I sigh " Angels Trumpet Draught is a powerful poison that can kill quickly- if brewed right-. rumor has it people that die of this poison can not come back as a ghost. and some people think their spirit is destroyed or they simply just died off." he looks at me surprised " it's also very difficult to brew, but with great success can kill it's victim in an hour " I smile at him as he stares at me with his eyes wide before composing himself and frowning at me " I can tell you how to brew it too if you'd like?" I smile brightly at him, He scowls " That won't be necessary " he turns around his robes smacking at the table. I turn to grin triumphantly at my friends who snicker before turning back to the front.

In reality it wasn't a fair question to ask, the potion isn't even in our books and he most certainly wouldn't have taught the class this last year it's far too advanced. I'm lucky I was homeschooled or I'd have looked like a blubbering idiot. I frown returning to my doodle and ignoring Hermione's stare.

" Did you see his face!" Blaise laughs after we've left the class the group laughs " He was shocked I don't think I've ever seen professor Snape caught off guard before!"  I laugh along with the rest of the group, Before I wave to Daphne and split off with Blaise and Draco for our next class " people are gonna talk about that for weeks!" Draco grins I groan " great more attention for me " I frown. " at least you didn't make a fool of yourself " he grins  " I suppose that would be worse" I smile.

We turn a corner and I run right into someone getting knocked off my feet, I look up at Harry, Ron and Hermione in front of us. I stand up dusting off my robes and compose my face into a faint smile " Watch where your going Potter " Draco growls shoving harry into a wall " I'm so sorry Elliana, I didn't see you there!" He smiles at me apologetically " all good, no harm done " Draco gives me a shocked look and I wave him off. " keep a better watch next time " I smile and then walk around them, Draco bumping Harry's shoulder roughly with his as he walks after me.

" what was that?" he asks gesturing behind him " your not even mad?" he questions I glance at Blaise who has his brows furrowed at me, " He's not worth my time, better to just move on and forget it " I say shrugging. He looks at Blaise and rolls his eyes at me.

We head to our next class. halfway there Blaise mutters see ya later and turns down another corridor leaving me and Draco. We walk into the class and the teacher hands us a pair or earmuffs, I give a questioning look to Draco and he shrugs.

After everyone files into the classroom the teacher turns to us, " Today we will be re-potting Mandrakes, can anyone tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" she questions
Hermione's hand shoots up " Mandrake or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their original form " the Professor nods and she continues " It's also very dangerous the Mandrakes cries are fatal to those who hear it " she smiles. " Excellent ten points to Gryffindor " I scoff and Draco turns to me raising an eyebrow " how do they get ten points for that, it's basic knowledge" I whisper to him he shrugs and looks back to the Professor. 

" Now as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings their cries won't kill you, Yet! but they could knock you out for several hours. Which is why you've all been given a pair of earmuffs. Put them on, quickly!" we do as she say's " Now watch closely, Grip your Mandrake. Pull it straight up out of the pot!" she does so my hands immediately go up to my ears holding the muffs tighter to my head to muffle out the piercing screams. she continues " Then just plop it into the pot and add some soil to keep it warm"

 I hear a loud thud from the other side of the table and turn to see what happened " Ah My, Longbottom has been neglecting his ear muffs " she frowns shaking her head " No ma'am, He's just fainted" the boy looks concerned for his friend I frown. I hear Draco snicker and I swat at his arm he scowls at me. " Well then... Just leave him there, Alright get started there's plenty of pots to go around " I look at Draco and he shrugs. I grasp my Mandrake and pull it up scowling when it's cries ring out followed by others, I place it gently in another pot before looking at Draco. He's smiling at his Mandrake while poking at it curiously. He places his finger near it's face and it grabs hold of his finger in it's mouth, he tries to yank it out and finally does scowling at it. I laugh at him while gently placing soil over my Mandrake, He turns his scowl to me and places his Mandrake in the pot; covering it with soil.

We walk to lunch afterwards, taking our normal seats as we wait for our friends. Draco turns to me " I'm nervous." he whispers to me quietly "why?" I ask raising an eyebrow " Quidditch
try-outs are today " he looks at me anxiously, I smile " And you have nothing to worry about, I mean you can fly a broom can't you?" I say smiling " Of course I can! just what if I don't make the team, Father will be angry with me" I roll my eye's " you'll make the team and you'll get your shiny new broom, don't worry about it so much " he nods as the rest of our group joins us

We stop to watch a singular owl fly into the hall heading for the Gryffindor table and slowing down  before crashing into a chip bowl. Laughs resonate from all around " Look everyone Weasley's got himself a howler!" Oh this'll be good I turn to smirk at Draco and he mimics it Blaise snickering as he turns to face Weasley.

We watch as he hesitantly opens the letter, " RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" it pauses before turning to a smaller redheaded girl " — Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud." she blushes and with that the letter tears itself to shreds and quiet fills the room.

I look to my friends with a shocked expression, They return the look. I reach for my pumpkin juice awkwardly taking a sip and setting it down, Before Blaise snickers and it throws our table over the edge and we all start laughing people from other tables joining in.

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