Terror at the quidditch cup

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" Should we be here?" I question as Viktor leads me and Aris to the team room. He rolls his eyes " Your fine Ellie." he reassures for the fifth time.

I nod walking anxiously next to Aris, he smiles at me. " Don't worry, Viktor always brings me here. They don't mind." He says with a shrug " But I'm a girl." I say raising an eyebrow.

" He's brought those here too." he says with a smirk on his face, " To show off of course, not that he has too." he says with a roll of his eyes.

" Okay, but remember we have to-" he interrupts me " Meet the Malfoy's before the game I know!" he groans throwing his head back in annoyance. I laugh rolling my eyes at his dramatics, " You should try acting, I think you'd do well." I grin teasingly. 

He rolls his eyes, " Welcome, to the team room." Viktor says with a grin pulling back a curtain. The room is decorated in black and red, the team milling around or sitting on the couches.

Viktor walks in with a grin, The team notices his presence all grinning and clapping him on the back. They look to Aris " Nice too see you again friend!" One of them exclaims clapping him on the back as well, all of them taking turns greeting the two.

Viktor turns to me " Everyone, this is Ellie!" they all turn to me with wide grins and I smile politely at them. " New girlfriend Viktor?" one of them questions with a laugh, my eyes widen and I shake my head.

" No no, more like my little sister." He laughs, I nod to that. One of the boys walks towards me  holding his hand out to shake. I smile shaking his hand, and a few others approach me and I shake their hands too.

" So tiny," one of the boys laughs, I roll my eyes " Yes, This is our little princess." Viktor says nudging Aris and they laugh. " Will the little princess be cheering for us?" One of them asks me, I smile at him " Of course," I say confidently holding my head up slightly.

" Good, otherwise we'd have to throw you out." A boy says laughing from behind me. I turn to him looking up to smile at him, His looks surprise me. his sandy hair hangs over his eyes, which are a shade of brown that reminds me of milk chocolate. 

His features are sharp as he stands towering over me, a grin on his seemingly perfect face. His tanned skin looking as though he's been sculpted by an architect, his chiseled jawline hard and his cheek bones defined. He looks like a model, not a quidditch player.

He holds his hand out to me, I take it gently in mine. " Alexei Levski, one of the teams chasers." he says seeming proud of that fact.  " Elliana Locke, I don't know why I'm here." I say with a grin and he laughs, looking to Viktor " Friend or?" he questions raising an eyebrow.

Viktor shakes his head " More like little sister." he says narrowing his eyes, Alexei nods " You can call me Alex, I hope you'll cheer for me too." He says with a laugh. I nod " Of course,", He grins " I'll be cheering for the whole team, so naturally I'll cheer for you too." I grin back at him.

" Alright enough chattering, let's go." Aris says placing a hand on my arm and pulling me away. I look back " Good luck guys!" I yell waving at the team. " Catch the snitch or I'll pretend I don't know you from now on!" I yell at Viktor and his face relaxes into a grin.


" Hey Ellie," I turn to smile at Draco, " Hey Draco," I approach him and he pulls me into a hug. He releases me and I walk beside him.

" So what team are you cheering for?" I question, he scoffs as if it's obvious " Bulgarians, of course." He grins " Same here." I say with a laugh. " Really I couldn't tell?" he says sarcastically gesturing to my outfit, Aris laughs at his comment.

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