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                                                                             Ain't she cute ^-^

I get ready for the end of summer party at the Malfoy's house, having Mori bring me my dress and shoes

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I get ready for the end of summer party at the Malfoy's house, having Mori bring me my dress and shoes. Me and Draco decided to match this year, him wearing his normal black suit and me in an asymmetrical black dress. That Narcissa and I had found in Italy.

I add a little bit of light eyeshadow, along with a swipe of lip-gloss. I find I don't need blush cause when Draco steps into my room it comes naturally.

He looks godly, I know I've said this multiple times but it really is true. His hair hasn't been styled so it hangs freely over his eyes. His lips pulled up in a smirk, I smile back at him.

I'm about to walk over and kiss the smirk off his face, But then I hear Daphne call my name before appearing in the door frame.

" I need your help." She says in a huff gesturing to the messy bun in her hair, I stand motioning for her to take a seat on the stool that sits in front of the vanity.

She smiles crossing over to sit on the stool. I look to Draco and motion for him to sit on my bed and he smiles crossing the room, and doing just that.

I gently pull the elastic from Daphne's hair letting it fall over her shoulders. I take a minute looking at her dress, a knee length flowy green gown that's asymmetrical. the top an off the shoulder style with thin fabric.

I'm trying to decide what to do to her hair when Blaise storms in " Hey I found the party, Finally!" he says laughing, I ignore him.

I brush through Daphne's hair, pulling half of it back leaving two small sections down before braiding the two sides loosely and connecting them at the back twisting them into a small bun. I pull at a few places loosening them and the go from the front to look at her, before deciding to curl the ends.

" Ta Da!" I say when I'm done and she laughs, Blaise and Draco have started o conversation about this years quidditch. I frown at them Blaise turns to me " Uh oh," he bumps Draco and he looks up then back at Blaise " What'd we do?" he asks him.

I roll my eyes at them and point to Blaise's hair " Go fix your hair we have twenty minutes before people start to arrive.". He furrows his brows at me " Your hair isn't done either." he points out
" Yes cause I was doing Daphne's, Now scram." I say waving my hand. They groan and disapear off to Draco's room.

I curl my hair pulling half of it back into a neat bun, leaving the small irritating strands to hang in my face.

I huff turning to Daphne, she laughs at me as I glare t the two strands. " That's why I never had bangs." she says grinning at me, I roll my eyes with a laugh.


Like last year the party was rather boring but it gave us a chance to hangout before we go back to Hogwarts. We danced and laughed, the night ended with us saying goodbye and heading back to our manors.

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