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I take his hand and he pulls me out the garden doors. I follow behind as he stops under the willow tree, turning to face me.

 He looks at me excitedly " Think of your happiest memory," he says quickly.

I hesitate " Draco, we could get in trouble for using magi-" he interrupts me by raising an eyebrow.

" Please, it's just a patronus, beside my fath-"-" Yes I know, your father works for the ministry, fine." I say interrupting him, with a roll of my eyes.

He laughs " Think of your happiest memory and say, Expecto Patronum." he says excitedly. I nod as he turns away, his wand out.

" Like this." he says pointing his wand out in front of him " Expecto Patronum!" he yells.

A flash of light appears, reaching out into the darkness. It takes the shape of a Dragon, and I watch in amazement as it floats around. I walk out in front of him admiring it, my eyes wide as I take in the creature of light, before it fades.

" Your turn." he says his tone eager, I nod holding my wand out. He stands beside me " Remember Happiest memory." he says quietly, I nod.

My mind searches for the happiest memory it can find. Latching on to the memory of our snowball fight a few weeks ago. The memory invading my mind, causing a smile to form on my face.

" Expecto Patronum." I say confidently, a wisp of light shines from my wand. It expands glowing brighter and taking a shape of a wolf, it runs circles around me. I laugh watching it run around, my mind wanting me to chase after it like a child, I resist the urge.

It disappears behind me and I hear Draco laugh. I watch it run circles around his legs, before running through him, toppling him over. I burst out laughing, not being able to help myself.

Draco mocks a scowl " What's so funny?" he says with a grin. He lunges for me and I squeal, he knocks me over landing on top of me.

We both laugh, remaining where we are on the ground. The laughter fades and I blush at the position were currently in. He doesn't move his blue eyes staring into mine. His gaze drifts to my lips, looking back up at me a second later. He bites his lip staring into my eyes, his gaze shifts to my lips again, this time his finding mine.

I smile against his lips, pressing eagerly against mine. His soft lips moving hungrily against mine, the warmth sending chills down my spine.

His tongue pokes at my lips and I part them. His tongue slides into my mouth, playing with mine. The taste of mint invading my mouth. I smile the warm tingling in my stomach drawing me in. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his face impossibly closer to mine.

Despite that he pulls away slightly, giving both of us a chance to catch out breath. He grins at me and I laugh. He leans back in, kissing along my jawline till his lips are right by my ear. His warm breath on my skin making me squirm under him.

His breath grazes my ear as he whispers " Your mine." he says firmly. His lips going to my neck, he sucks on the skin there making a light moan escape my mouth.

He smirks as he pulls back, I scowl at him. He laughs, pushing himself up off the ground. He offers his hand, helping me up.


I wake up on Christmas morning with a smile on my face. I head down the stairs towards the kitchen.

I had written letters and sent gifts to my friends. I sent Daphne a silver necklace, engraved with her name. I sent Blaise a Quidditch jersey, one I had Viktor sign. Crabbe and Goyle got boxes of sweets.

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