summer days,

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Luna arrived two days ago, I had a room made up for her next to mine, and at the opposite end of the house from Aris's room.

It was silly of me to do so but I'd rather this then have her stay in Aris's room, Obviously. Though he had tried to change my mind, it helped that Luna agreed with me.

And I quickly learned it was right of me to do so. Having caught Aris trying to sneak past my room last night.

Aris and I continued our training, on a lighter routine. While we asked her if she wanted to join us, Luna preferred to merely watch.

I attended meetings for work and other ones. As well as got multiple designs set up in the shop in Paris. Daphne had gushed in her letter about it.


 I sit in the dining room sketching designs -inspired by Luna- into my book. The sound of the floo pulls me out of my concentration. I was not informed of anyone visiting today, and frankly I'm not happy about the sudden entry.

I grab my wand and walk to the living room. I'm startled to see the Malfoy family standing awkwardly in front of the floo. Lucius's gaze goes to my wand and I pocket it leaning against the doorframe.

" Well Lucius of course you and your family are always welcome," I start my tone calm and my face clear of emotion. " But I must say an owl would've been appropriate beforehand." I say maintaining my calm tone while silently questioning his business here.

It's actually quite convenient. I forgot to give Draco his birthday present on the train. I know were currently not talking but he's still my bestfriend. And I've had his gift since before the yule ball.

I gesture to the couches and they take a seat. Minus Lucius who turns to me " Ellie, might I have a word?" I nod. He doesn't say anything and it takes me a second to realize he means alone.

I turn walking out of the room and he follows after me. I walk into the 'library' as I call it, it's just a room with a bunch of bookshelves and a desk. He walks in after me and I close the doors using a silencing spell on them.

" There's a plan in place," he begins and I raise an eyebrow for him to continue. He hesitates but does so "  to break his followers out of Azkaban." he says his tone skeptical. A wave of shock passes through me but I keep my face composed.

" When?" I ask sternly.

 he sighs " Were not sure, as of the date yet." he says calmly a slight trace of frustration in his voice. I sigh loudly, this means multiple people needing housing. And the Malfoy Manor may be big, but the sum of followers in Azkaban is also quite large.

I nod pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration, " I'll do what I can to help, however there's not much I can do." I say my tone light " If I'm to stay neutral I have to keep my distance." I say mainly to myself than Lucius. My train of thought drifting to my friends and my failed attempt to distance myself from them. 

He nods, agreeing with me.

We walk back to the living room sounds of laughter echoing from it. I furrow my brows as I approach. I see Aris and Luna have joined Narcissa and Draco. I silently scold Aris in my head for involving her. But then again he doesn't know he's involved her in anything, other than a friendly chat.

The house elves happily serve them tea and various snacks. And I watch their giddy behavior with an amused expression.

I watch a white owl fly through the window and furrow my brows. It's not Zen, cause one I sent him to Italy this morning. And two it has a few black feathers, Zen is white and grey.

I hold my arm out and it lands without hesitation. I gently take the letter from it's beak, eyeing it before putting it in my pocket. I give the bird a quick scratch on the head and let it sit on the window sill.

I excuse myself and head for the study. I close the door sitting in the chair and pull the letter out of my pocket.

Dear Ellie,

First of all, I'd like to introduce you to Hedwig. She's very sweet as you'll find.
I hope the start of your summer has been well. I'm currently counting down the days
to our return to Hogwarts.

I would've wrote sooner but my cousin Dudley, is a bit of a git. and I haven't found a
moment alone to write you till now. 

I've given Hermione your address and she says she'll write you. Just so you know
She get's quite angry when letters aren't on time, just a warning in advance.

I hope you'll right back soon and tell me about your summer so far, I'd love to hear it.
I'll be waiting anxiously for your reply.

Yours truly, Harry Potter

I smile down at the letter, I'm pleased he kept his promise. I place the letter gently in the envelope.

I walk out of the study returning to the living room with an apologetic smile. I walk to the sill to the awaiting Hedwig. " Come along, let's get you back." I whisper as she hops from the sill to my arm.

I head for my room, walking up the stairs but stopping at the top. I take in the scene, Aris has Luna against the wall and is pressing his lips to hers gently.

" Ew, get a room." I mutter with a smirk. Aris grins and Luna puts her head down her cheeks turning pink. 

" I guess were even now." Aris says with a chuckle as I enter my room. I don't let my mind wander to what he's referring to.

I sit at my desk and write to Harry explaining my summer so far. Leaving out the meetings with the dark lord, and glossing over the meetings with the business.

I mention Luna coming to stay with us. And a few of the shenanigans Aris has caused, in hopes he'll get a laugh out or it. I comment on Hedwig, whom I absolutely adore. I also add Aris constantly twisting my arm for more time with Luna. As well as my inability to say no, Hence the two and a half weeks she's been here.

I close the letter with telling him I hope he'd write back. and ad a p.s telling him I will not hesitate to physically harm Dudley, shall he bother him.

I fold the parchment neatly, placing it in a crisp white envelope. I grab a few pieces of light blue wax and my signature stamp. I place a small white flower carefully inside and seal the letter handing it to Hedwig.

She takes off and I watch her fade into the distance.


" No way!" I protest, Aris asking me for the fifth time today for Luna to stay longer.

" Please?" he asks giving me his best puppy eyes. 

I roll my eyes " Doesn't her Father miss her?" I ask in hopes he'll get the message.

He rolls his eyes " Of course, but he understands!" he says his tone eager. I roll my eyes retrieving the post from Mori. I flip through the letters, handing a few to Aris. He shoves them in his pocket and I scowl at him.

" Please?" he begs, I roll my eyes flipping through the rest of the letters eyeing Harry's. I grin at the sight and Aris looks down at it with a smirk.

" I'll tell Lucius about your boyfriend." He threatens, I stare at him my eyes wide in shock. The fact he'd even go there is just cruel. The only thing Lucius knows is that we have recently become friends, he doesn't know about the ball. He's under the impression I went with Draco, cause that's what we told him.

I groan in frustration " Fine," I hiss and he cheers, " But only if she wants to, don't force her." I say calmly. 

He scoffs " Like I'd do that." he says sounding offended. I've loved having Luna around, but shouldn't she go home by now? It's been nearly a month and I'm surprised law enforcement hasn't shown up at my door.

I walk away clutching my letters " Thankyou!" Aris calls.

I turn to him " Don't tell Lucius or your a dead man walking." I hiss. He nods quickly making an x over his heart.

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