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Of course, with everything going on I couldn't stay in 'disguise'. As per my Godfathers wish I was now to walk in, not alongside my fellow Slytherins, but with the Carrows. As if I thought this man couldn't make my life any worse, he proved he could.

So now I stand outside the hall with Alecto and Amycus Carrow, waiting for Snape. All the students had already gone in, and each had looked equally shocked and confused when they saw me, standing in between the duo in black robes instead of My house colors.

When I see Snape approach he catches my eye and nods subtly. We had an agreement, I was to do what I felt right, whether that be blowing my cover or sticking to it, he had my back either way. 

I decided I would stick to it for now, he had valued my opinion. Like me, he wasn't fond of the Carrows, we had our own separate plan for them. No matter which side we were on we had agreed they'd both 'accidently' be crushed by falling debris, or hit with the killing curse.

I follow in after him, the Carrows on either side of me. I had dawned my black robe to fit in with them and applied dark shadow to my eyes, like I would at a meeting. I left my hair loose, falling down to graze my shoulders in waves.

As I walk down the aisle, a blank expression plastered on my face, I see multiple faces of classmates scowling at me. I ignore them completely, not letting it get to me as I pass through the sea of disappointment I'd created.

I don't look for the speck of hope in the crowd, in the form of emerald eyes. I keep my chin up and my gaze ahead of me, ignoring the panic coursing through my veins.

When I reach the steps at the front of the hall I look to Snape for instruction. He catches my gaze and glances to the floor beside him, I take it as a cue to join him. I step up the stairs, standing beside him, slightly behind so the focus is on him. The Carrows scowl at me as the stand off to the side further back and I ignore them. I stare straight ahead with my arms folded behind my back as Snape begins his speech.

He lets out a loud sigh " Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour." he drawls as he looks out over the students. They all exchange confused glances with each other among their houses, confirming Snapes statement.

" It's come to my attention that earlier this evening," he pauses briefly, letting out a quiet sigh  " that Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade...." He drawls. His voice gets cut off by muted gasps and whispers as people turn to one another, shock in their expressions as well as hope.

"Now," He starts loudly, effectively bringing the whispers to an end " should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished, in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression." he says, I catch McGonagall throwing a shocked expression at him that he completely ignores.

" Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events... who fails to come forward, will be treated... as... equally guilty." He sneers the last part to make sure the meaning fully sticks in.

Students shift uncomfortably as he begins to step down the stairs, down the aisle. I catch a glance from Ginny, her expression confused and slightly angered. I hold her gaze for a minute before giving her a slight nod and turning away.

" Now then, if anyone here has any knowledge, of Harry Potters movements this evening." He says as he walks down the aisle, the tone of his voice slow and bored sounding " I invite them to step, forward," he glances around the room, before muttering " Now."

Silence befalls the hall, leaving the only sound being Snapes boots as he walks slowly down the aisle. I catch movement in the Gryffindor section and my eyes are automatically drawn to it.

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