Ministry Be Damned.

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My mind is buzzing, making it nearly impossible to focus on the exam. It makes it even worse when a loud boom echo's around the room. I furrow my brows, turning towards the doors.

Umbridge walks down the aisle towards the doors. She opens them and a lone firework flies into the room. Followed my the twins on their brooms and multiple other fireworks exploding around the hall.

Everyone's papers fly into the air and I frown, holding on tightly to mine, it doesn't matter it flies up anyway. People cheer and shout, the papers fluttering down all around us. Fireworks exploding everywhere, leaving Umbridge absolutely mortified.

Fred and George fly around her head, dropping firecrackers at her feet. Filch runs into the hall carrying a mop, and looking utterly confused. 

I watch as a few firecrackers target Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. I watch them run around trying to get away from them.

Fred throws up a final firework. It seems to be the grand finale, sparks flying everywhere before shifting into a dragon. Which proceeds to chase Umbridge out of the hall.

The dragon disappears and a silence falls over the hall. Before we hear the sound of glass shattering and things falling to the ground.

Fred and George fly out of the hall, the herd of students chasing after them. I follow behind noting all the rules smashed on the floor. The fireworks start again and the corridors fill with students rushing outside. I follow the crowd, students and teachers alike huddle in the courtyard.

A giant 'W' appears in the sky, written by fireworks. The students clap and cheer, even some Professors join in which surprises me.

But as I push through the crowd I see Harry fall to the ground. I walk quickly and get at the same time as Hermione does. He seems in a daze, he's looking around everywhere before he looks to Hermione.

" Sirius." is all he says, his tone is panicked and he seem terrified.

Harry briefly explains what happened. how he had seen Sirius in a vision of sorts, saying Voldemort had him in the ministry. He rushes up the stairs as Hermione try's to convince him not to go.

" Harry listen, what if Voldemort meant for you to see this." She says quickly, " What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you." she says her tone firm

" What if he is, I'm supposed to just let him die?" He says sounding pained, " Hermione he's the only family I've got left." he says trying to stay calm but his voice is laced with panic.

I get the feeling Hermione's right, this could all just be a trap. He could be waiting for them, he could have all the death eaters there. With Bellatrix and his other followers back they would be outnumbered.

I take a step towards him " Harry let me go to Grimmauld place to check it out first," I say calmly, " If it's a trap Sirius will be there, it won't take long." I say my eyes pleading for him to agree.

" Ellie we don't have time to wait!" He says furrowing his brows, " We have to go now!" he says sounding more and more panicked.

I nod " You go, I'll go to Grimmauld place, if he's not there I'll inform you." I say calmly, " But if he is I'll tell him where you've gone, but I won't come it's too risky." I say quickly.

He nods and I turn to run down the stairs. I run past Snape, and try to decide whether to tell him or not. I don't. Thought he seems curious why I'm running out of the castle.

" Miss Locke, might I ask where you're going?" he drawls.

I don't panic just turn to him " I forgot my book outside." I say turning away again.

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