The great return.

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I pace the length of my dorm room having been overcome with nerves. I already told Daphne I wasn't going with her to watch the third task.

I had thought of many ideas but ended up playing it plain and faking sick. With the help of a potion; it was awful. She had believed me and told me she'd check on me after the task. As well as fill me in on what happened, I had the feeling I wouldn't need that.

The Rat or wormtail, had told me someone would come for me when he had completed his work. I assume it will be Lucius, or other followers of the inner circle possibly.

I pull on a long black skirt and long sleeved shirt, leaving the cloak on my bed. And pulling my hair into a tight bun.

Rat never told me what his mission was, only that it was some sort of ritual. Something I didn't need to be present for, and boy was I glad for that. I'm perfectly fine allowing myself to let my mind wander.

My brain has been set to going over the Yule ball in my head. I did try to stop thinking about it, but when there's nothing else to do. I couldn't help my mind from wandering.

Going over every single moment carefully in my head. Yes it was fun, but what does it mean?

It means nothing, Elliana.

I fall back on my bed letting out a frustrated sigh.


Someone clears their throat and I look up. Lucius stands before me anxiously. He doesn't say anything, just nods.

I pull on my cloak and use a spell to mask my face, it's one of the ones I've been practicing. I link my arm with Lucius's, pulling my hood up as I do. And then were hurdling through the air. The feeling of being squeezed overtaking me till we come to a stop.

When we stop moving I look around taking in the surrounding landscape. It's dark and gloomy as I look around to what must be a cemetery, very suiting.

I look around to the people circled around him. They're all dressed in dark cloaks, wearing masks that look like sculls. As for him he stands in the center, wearing only a black cloak. It covers his sickly grey skin. For a moment he turns to me and his snake like eyes pierce into my now brown ones, by help of the color change charm; I wasn't taking any chances.

" Welcome friends," he says his voice disturbingly calm, as he turns to face every one of his followers.

" Thirteen years it's been." he says nodding his head, " And yet, here you stand before me, as though it were only yesterday." he says drawing out a long pause as he looks once more around the circle.

" I confess myself," he laughs lightly before his whole demeaner changes to anger 

" Disappointed." he hisses. " Not one of you tried to find me," he walks over to the first deatheater pulling his mask off and muttering something. He continues around the circle doing the same, lingering on Lucius.

" Not even you, Lucius." He hisses swiping at his mask, Lucius falls to his knees as the others did.

" My lord," Lucius starts his voice shaking slightly, " when I detected any sign or whisper of your whereabouts-" He interrupts him " There were signs, Lucius." he hisses.

I've never seen Lucius scared of nervous. He's always for as long as I've known him been well put together. It seemed like nothing could faze him. He was powerful and untouchable, no one dared to cross him. And when they did, they regretted it.

But the sight of him on his knees before the Dark lord. The way his hands are shaking, the sound of his voice when he spoke. It made my insides turn, seeing Lucius scared, scared me.

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