Goodbye phoenix, Hello Hogwarts

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After a tearful goodbye, on my part. I hold my hand out for Draco and wave goodbye to Aris.

He gives me a smile, laughing at my dramatics. But hey I won't be able to see him till Christmas break, and that's way too long for my liking.

Draco takes my hand, holding on firmly his trunk in his other hand. I grab mine and then I take us to the alley out side of King's cross station. Draco walks quickly pulling me behind him. He weaves through the crowd at the station, and runs right through to the platform, with me right behind him.

We walk towards the other side of the platform putting our trunks in the pile. I look up at the clock and realize that due to our long goodbye with Aris we've arrived late. Draco pulls me towards the train and we walk down the hall, looking for our friends.

I had a lot of time to think last night, and I've decided that I cannot be with Harry. If I wish to keep my position neutral, I can't be with the very person the war is about. So I've decided to just ignore Harry like I did in the beginning.

I also admittedly fell asleep under the willow with Draco. So this morning we both rushed inside to get ready to leave. Aris had teased me about it and I had ignored him.

I spot Blaise and Daphne as we pass a compartment. I stop in my tracks, making Draco stop to. I look towards the compartment " You passed them." I say plainly. He looks back to the compartment and I pull him to towards it.

I open the door with a grin " Miss me?" I ask. 

" No." Blaise says bluntly, glaring at me as he does so. I release Draco's hand and walk to sit next to Blaise. 

" What's your problem?" I ask my tone emotionless. 

He looks at me with a frown " You ditched me, that's my problem." he says coldly. 

I roll my eyes, pulling him into a hug " I got pulled into a meeting." I say with a laugh as I ruffle his hair.

He attempts to hide the smile on his face as he swats at my hand. I release him, and immediately his hand goes to his hair, smoothing it out with a scowl on his face. I turn to Daphne on the other side of me and pull her into a hug.

I stand from where I'm seated, moving to the other side beside Draco. This way I'm not sandwiched between Daphne and Blaise.

I listen while they talk about their summers. I don't join in seeing as my meetings with Voldemort aren't exactly the best topic. So instead to sit quietly as they talk about visits and places they went.

" What about you Ellie?" Daphne asks curiously. Blaise gives me a look knowing via my letters that I stayed home and attended meetings. However Draco and Daphne look at me with curious expressions.

" Nothing interesting." I say with a shrug, the tone of my voice final. Daphne's smile falls but I ignore her and ask her about Paris instead. Therefore launching her into a whole essay about Paris.

There's a light knock on the door and we all turn to the sound. The blonde girl peers a light smile on her face.

" Luna, long time no see." I say smiling at her, she laughs lightly. "Here," I say moving a little closer to Draco and patting the spot next to me " Sit with us."

She nods walking in and closing the door, I ignore the looks the other three send my way.

" Thank you Ellie," she says in her quiet voice, I nod eyeing the weird looking magazine in her hand.

" What's that?" I ask curiously, she turns to me with an absent look on her face. 

" the Quibbler, my Father runs it." she says turning to the magazine. I'm about to comment on the fact that she's reading it upside down. But seeing the content look on her face, I decide not too.

I turn to look at Blaise and he raises an eyebrow. I shrug not exactly knowing what to say. Daphne continues talking about Paris and I listen quietly.


" I'm surprised the ministry's still letting you walk around free Potter!" Draco spits as we exit the train. I look to Luna and playfully roll my eyes and she giggles.

" You better enjoy it while you can, I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." he spits leaning towards him.

To my surprise Harry lunges at him and he jumps back, Ron holds Harry in place. I roll my eyes at their exchange, linking my arm with Luna's and walking swiftly away.

" What did I tell you?" Draco sneers as Crabbe and Goyle approach " Complete nutter!" Draco spits.

" Just stay away from me!" I hear Harry yell from behind us. I turn back to look at him as he glares at Draco's back. His eyes meet mine for a second and they soften. I turn away quickly, looking to Luna and asking her about the Quibbler.

I opt to take a carriage with Luna, seeing as six of us in the carriage would be a squeeze. So instead it's just me and Luna. I sit quietly watching the black horses as they pull us towards the castle. Luna looks over at them as well, a small smile on her lips " Thestrals," is all she says before looking back at her magazine.

The carriage pulls to a stop and I grow irritated at the voices that sound next.

" Nothings pulling the carriage Harry, it's pulling itself like always." I hear Hermione say. What does she mean nothings pulling the carriage? How can she not see it when it's standing right in front of her.

" Your not going mad." I look up to Luna's quiet voice. She lowers her Quibbler looking to Harry " I can see them too." she says and Harry looks back and forth between her and the thestrals. I furrow my brows looking over at the thestrals.

" Your just as sane as I am." she says smiling at the thestrals than back at him. I subtly roll my eyes, that's reassuring.

They sit across from us in the carriage, I don't so much as acknowledge them. Instead I look over Luna's shoulder at the Quibbler.

" Everyone this is loony love-" I look up glaring at Hermione and she stops short realizing what she's said. She looks at Luna, but the gentle smile on her face hasn't left so she continues.

She clears her throat " Luna Lovegood." she says awkwardly looking away. I turn back to Luna, not looking up even when I hear my name.

" Hi Ellie," I hear the familiar voice say, I ignore it.

" what an interesting necklace." Hermione says trying to sound casual. Luna holds up her necklace eyeing it with a smile. I laugh lightly already knowing what she's going to say because I had thought the same thing during the summer.

" it's a charm actually," she says raising her eyebrows and leaning forward as she lets it fall.

'keeps away the nargles' I think to myself, taking a not so wild guess.

" keeps away the nargles." She says quietly nodding at her words. I offer her a smile which she returns.

" What's a nargle?" I hear Ron whisper to I'm assuming Hermione, " No clue." she answers

Luna sighs looking over at me " Hungry." she states and I nod in agreement. " I hope there's pudding." she says looking up thoughtfully, I raise an eyebrow at her as she smiles at the sky.

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