Yule ball part 2

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                                                        A/N: I have an obsession with this dress.^^

We follow  after Cedric and Cho, The crowd making an aisle to the dance floor. They clap and cheer as Fleur and her date lead the way into the hall. I turn to Harry before we walk out the doors, he gives me a nervous smile. I pat his arm trying to reassure him and it seems to help.

I hear a few gasps as we walk out the doors. I don't blame them, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor is an unlikely match up.

I put on a bright smile and Harry does the same. I see Daphne to my right clapping and cheering next to Blaise. Draco standing next to an over excited Pansy, who's clinging to his arm. I look away quickly before I can get mad.

We walk out onto the dance floor. Harry stands looking at me cluelessly " Hand on my waist," I whisper, he looks around " What?" I roll my eyes with a quiet laugh " Just do it." he nods and I place my hand on his shoulder. Interlocking my other one with his.

The music starts and I nod, starting to move. He looks down to my feet, getting the footing right and looking back up. We sway across the floor spinning around switching hands occasionally.

Right on cue I move my hands onto his shoulders, He grabs my waist lifting me effortlessly. He grins proudly at the realization he got it right.

Dumbledore and McGonagall join us on the floor as well as Karkaroff and his date. Ginny and Neville join soon after.

Harry lets go of my waist and twirls me around and I laugh. More people join in and soon the dance floor is filled.

I never would've imagined the fun I was having with Harry. Despite the last minute plans I was having the time of my life, and by the looks of it so was Harry.

" May I cut in?" we both turn to see Viktor, Hermione beside him. Harry offers him my hand " Of course." Vik takes my hand and pulls me closer to him. Hermione joins Harry for a dance.

" Having fun?" I question, he grins twirling me around " More than you'd believe." he sighs. I move my hands to his shoulders and he lifts me up. 

" What about you?" he asks eyeing Harry, I shake my head in disbelief " Honestly, I'm really enjoying this." He grins looking over to Harry " Good kid." he says with a nod.

we're interrupted my Aris, and we switch off. I smile up at him " How's your night?" he grins tilting his head from side to side, " Pretty good."

I raise an eyebrow " Okay fine, it's been amazing and I'm having the time of my life." he says looking over to a blonde girl sitting by herself at a table.

" What's her name?" I ask curiously, she seems familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it.

" Luna, she's a Ravenclaw and I won't stress this enough but I think I love her." He smiles brightly at the small girl. I laugh " Really?" I question, he nods vigorously. 

" She's kind of weird, but in a good way!" he says grinning.

I nod, I doubt he actually loves her considering just now meeting her. But if it makes him happy to think he does, I won't pester him.

The song ends and I head to Daphne, I spot her dancing with Draco. I wait till they're done and approach them.

" Daphne," I say grinning and holding my hand out, she laughs taking it " But of course!" I glance towards Draco and he smiles at me, wow he's no longer ignoring me?

I dance to a song with Daphne we twirl each other about and laugh through the song. At the end I pull her into a tight hug, she squeezes me tightly.

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