A/N: Ellie.

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Okay, so I was trying really hard to make Ellie on Artbreeder

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Okay, so I was trying really hard to make Ellie on Artbreeder. However when I made her I couldn't decide which one I likes best so I chose my top three. They're all pretty similar just some slight differences. Go with whichever one you like, I pictured Ellie a bit different but I couldn't get it exact so here's the closest I could get lol.

Also we only have a few chapters left and I'll be updating a little later in the day. I did decide to do a chapter on Ellie's Father so that'll probably end off the book, so yay.

Thank you for all the support I hope I was able to bring Ellie to life for you🥺🖤

Lots of love,

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