Goodbye, Granger... Goodbye, Hogwarts?

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We walk into the common room my hand still gripped in Draco's. In all honesty I don't mind the warmth of his hand on mine, But I do mind the attention it brings. There are girls glaring at me including Pansy, But then again I'm used to her glaring but the other girls I don't understand.

I approach the couch and try to release his hand but he keeps a firm grip on mine, so I sit beside him on the middle couch. " Hey Daph, Any plans for tomorrow?" I know there's a quidditch game tomorrow but our house isn't playing so I decided not to go. She looks at my hand in Draco's before answering " are we not going to the game?" she questions, " I wasn't planning on it." I say shrugging Draco turns to look at me " Why not?" he asks curiously. 

Suddenly I feel cornered all my friends are looking at me waiting for my answer " Well what's the point in going, I mean our house isn't playing." I shrug " No but it'll be funny to watch." Blaise say's with a grin, It's Hufflepuff and Gryffindor playing how it'll be funny I don't know.

" your really not gonna go?" Draco whispers to me, " I have no reason too, It's not like your playing and to be completely honest quidditch doesn't really interest me." I whisper back, pulling my feet underneath me. " Unless I'm playing?" he whispers teasing me, " Yes unless you're playing." I smile at him and he smiles back.

" So. what's up with you and Draco?" Daphne questions once were back in our dorm " What do you mean?" I ask her falling back on my bed, she snorts " I mean you were holding hands, do you like him?" I blush. I don't think I like Draco he's very nice to me and all but I wouldn't say I like him, " I don't know Daph." She looks at me and nods.

The door swings open and Pansy and Millicent burst in " Back off Locke!" I give her a quizzical look " What's up Parkinson?" I ask calmly sitting up, " Draco is mine! so back off!" she glares at me " Yes we're aware of your desperation Parkinson, But I don't think Draco belongs to anyone he's not an object." Daphne giggles, " Whatever Locke just back off, and we'll leave you alone." Millicent says looking annoyed, whether it's by her bestfriend or me I'm not sure.

I roll my eyes " leave me alone? as far as I'm concerned your not even bothering me." I shrug, Daphne smiles. Pansy walks so she's standing right in front of me " Draco. Is. Mine." she hisses , I glare at her

 " Listen Pansy, Draco isn't an object you can claim. So just back off." I hiss standing up, I'm an inch from her face she's taller than me but it doesn't make her intimidating.

I shove her back towards her bed and she stumbles and I walk closer pushing her back to sit on her bed, this way I'm standing over her " You best keep your threats to yourself Parkinson, you're far less intimidating than you think." she glares up at me. 

" Whatever Locke " she hisses, I grab her robes and pull her face so it's an inch from mine. " Watch your tone when your talking to me, or my friend here might just find herself in your bed one night." At that Asha slithers out from my sleeve hissing and curling around the hand that holds her robes. Pansy's eyes go wide and she squeals, " get your snake away from me!"

 I let go of her robes pulling my hand back; along with Asha.

I smirk at her and turn back to my bed closing the canopy, I smile at Asha 'That was fun' she hisses, 'I agree' I reply quietly. " Night Daph " I call through the canopy " Night Ellie!" I  can hear in her voice that she's trying not to laugh I smirk.


I walk quietly to the great hall alongside Daphne and Draco; Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle had left before us. I see Hermione approaching us but she doesn't stop, she bumps my shoulder as she passes  slipping a piece of paper into my hand. I scowl at her " Watch where your going Mudblood." Daphne hisses, I swat at her shaking my head.

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