Everything you are.

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I wander through the corridors, heading for the room of requirements. I've been working on the cabinet without Draco. I know it was his task, but I've been going crazy for the past week. Working on it just made me feel better and keeps my mind off the fact that he's yet to wake up. When I cross through the threshold I stop.

For a moment I think I'm hearing things when I hear the chirping of a bird. My eyes quickly scan the room for the source of the sound. And sure enough when I look up, it's perched on top of the vanishing cabinet.

Then it hits me, It's alive, the birds alive. It worked.

For a moment a wave of relief washes over me and I indulge in it. All the hard fork we had put into the cabinet had finally paid off. Then the realization hits me and I drop the books in my arms, pulling out my wand. Someone had to have let it out, it couldn't get out alone. I remember closing the door, it even clicked. How could it have gotten out?

" What was that?" I hear a girls soft voice say. I duck behind one of the piles, trying to stay quiet. I look into the mirror across from me and see Ginny behind looking around. She eyes the pile of books, turning something over in her hands. She takes one last good glance at the object and places it under a box.

I narrow my eyes trying to see the object. However it's too far away for me to see it from here.

It takes a few minutes, but eventually they both leave. Ginny leaving and shutting the door quietly behind her, Harry not too far behind. I wander over to the box, lifting it and grabbing the book underneath. I turn it over, examining what looks like a potions book. The same one I happen to have for Slughorns class. I flip the cover open eyeing the writing on the first page.

This Book Is Property Of The Half Blood Prince.

Who's the half blood prince? And why would Ginny feel the need to hide his book? I flip through the pages, scanning them as I do. Messy handwriting fills the pages and margins of the book, spells written out here and there.  My eyes stopping on a page with a particular spell I've never heard before.


I close the book, shoving it in the pocket of my robe. I'd definitely have to check this out more later, but for now I needed to see Draco. I exit the room closing the doors and heading for the hospital wing.

I stop in my tracks in the middle of the hall, eyeing Harry walking slightly ahead of me. I haven't spoken to him since I threatened to kill him, for obvious reasons. Ron passes me glancing back at me before standing next to Potter.

" So, did you and Ginny do it then." He whispers, just loud enough for me to hear. Though I think that's purely by accident.

Harry seems startled " What?" he asks, his body tensing slightly. I almost giggle as I remember the moment between Ginny and Harry in the kitchen. George had told me all about it that day and I had partially seen it myself. He must not have told Ron of his little crush on his little sister.

" You know, hide the book." he says, a little too loud, making him look around. I feel his eyes on me once again and I keep my eyes on the floor.

" Oh, yeah." he says quietly, stopping in his tracks as Slughorn appears before him. The man looks like he's in a panic running into Harry. They both just stand there before Slughorns eyes go to me behind him.

" Ah, Miss Locke, I was just looking for you." He says sounding relieved, I tilt my head in question as the boys turn to me. They both give me skeptical looks and I keep my face emotionless. Slughorn smiles " Walk with me?" he asks cheerfully. I nod walking past Harry, making sure to bump his shoulder with mine.

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