Drowning In Dread

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                                                                   *this is how I picture the dress ^^*

                                                                   *this is how I picture the dress ^^*

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As much as I pleaded to get my mother to come with me she wouldn't. So now I stand outside the gates of the Malfoy Manor by myself.

I payed the driver and walked towards the gates where a house elf waited, he seemed rather cheerful upon my arrival greeting me with "Hello! Welcome to Master Lucius's Manor! I'm Dobby!" I smiled down at him " well hello there Dobby, my name is Elliana" I say trying to sound calm and hiding my shaking hands in the fabric of my dress. "Oh!" he says I'm surprised by his enthusiasm "Master Lucius told me to inform him upon your arrival!" he disappears and I find myself spinning around wondering where he might have gone. i turn once more and see him reappear holding his hand out for me, I smile and take it.

As I stand in front of the Manors large doors -staring widely at the snake engraved in it, Dobby knocks and I dread the moment the doors will open.  when they do I'm filled with regret the Manor's foyer in itself is massive not to mention the Massive crowd of people that have all seemed to notice my arrival; I know what they see a small girl  with fair skin and light blonde hair cascading in waves that land right before her waist. the whole aesthetic of the room is a mix of dark colors and instantly I look down at my pale blue dress wiping nonexistent dust from it and compose my face into a small smile.

Dobby leaves my side as Lucius approaches, " My My, Dear you look wonderful" he says with a smile on his face, i can't help the grin that appears on mine. " Well Lucius, you look rather ravishing yourself" I'm no longer grinning but I keep my face composed with the smile I've rehearsed and used while in public, He laughs " Thankyou My Dear, come along I'd like you to meet someone"

 I follow him as he walks through the parting crowd, I hear whispers and mentions of my fathers name, I frown slightly but compose myself I hold my head high as I walk as I've been taught to do. Taking glances at two girls around my age whispering to each other, I can't hear what they're saying but I cant help but notice the slight jealousy in their eyes. I quickly take them in noticing the one girls distasteful wardrobe, her dress barely covers her butt and the front of her dress hangs far too low, I sigh and turn to look in front of me.

It's no longer just Lucius in front of me  there's now a women I assume to be his wife and a small boy, I quickly glance at him taking time to notice his platinum blonde hair and piercing eyes, for a second I feel as though I'm lost in them like I'm staring at a thin sheet of clouds hovering in the blue sky, that swirl in to a truly magnificent shade of greyish-blue. I snap out of it looking back to Lucius and his truly Beautiful wife, I smile.

"Elliana this is my wife Narcissa." he says with a smile gesturing with his hand to his wife, she smiles politely "Hello Narcissa, it truly is an honor to finally meet  you" I say smiling and offering my hand to shake hers. She gently grabs my hand but pulls me in for a hug instead and my eyes go wide and I hear a chuckle from the boy beside her "Oh! the honor is all mine! I was so excited when you agreed to come, I could not wait to meet you!" I smile at her as she releases me from her arms. 

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