Oh Felix.

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I stand next to Draco in potions as Professor Slughorn talks about his class. I ignore him instead looking to the table behind him at the potions displayed there. He's interrupted as he's about to explain what the potions in front of us are.

He turns to the door with a wide smile " Harry my boy, I was beginning to worry" he says cheerfully. " You've brought someone with you I see." he says raising an eyebrow.

Perfect, I was doing my best to avoid him and here he is. Strutting into class with Weasley attached to his hip. As if life couldn't get any worse the universe just had to throw this at me?

" Uh, Ron Weasley sir." He says politely, " But I'm dead awful at potions, a menace actually, so I'm probably just gonna-" he trails off turning around and Harry blocks his path.

" Nonsense, any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine, now, get out your books and come join us." He says cheerfully. He turns back to the class as the boys get their books.

Of course Harry's here, it only makes sense now. Slughorn is known to be a collector, as displayed on his shelves. It only makes sense that he'd want 'The Chosen One' here. Weasley stumbling over as stool like the klutz he is, is just a plus. Or a minus, depends how you think about it.

" Now as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning." he says walking towards the table " Any ideas what they might be?" he questions looking around.

Hermione raises her hand, so just for the fun of it I raise mine.

" Ah, Miss Locke." he says with a smile, " I've heard good things about you from Professor Snape, an aptitude for Potions and transfiguration, is that correct?" he questions.

I nod " Yes sir," I say with a smile, he nods towards the potions " That one there is Veritaserum, it's a truth serum." I say pointing to the clear potion bubbling in a pot.

He nods for me to continue " This one is polyjuice potion," I say glancing at Hermione with a smirk, she looks away " The potion allows a person to turn into another, very tricky to make if I might add." I say glancing at Hermione remembering a story Harry told me about her accidently using cat hairs in her potion.

I step up to the last potion the smell of mint and apples making my head fuzzy. A hint of a very familiar cologne drafting along with it. I don't know if my current state is visible, but I wouldn't doubt it.

" And this," I say letting out a breath, " Is Amortentia, It's the most powerful love potion in the world, It's rumored to smell differently to each person, based on what attracts them." I finish backing away from the open pot. I hadn't realized I'd closed my eyes until I reopened them a few feet away.

" Now Amortentia doesn't create actual love, that would be impossible." he says walking towards the potion. I watch as a few girls including Pansy take a few steps toward the potion as if in a trance.

" However it does cause powerful infatuation or Obsession," he says, my mind starts to feel fuzzy as the smell invades my nose and I grip Draco's arm to keep from moving towards it.

" And for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room." He says closing the lid on the potion.

I squeeze my eyes shut shaking out my head and releasing Draco's arm. I turn to him and he smirks, Blaise snickers beside him and I roll my eyes.

" Sir you haven't told us about this one." One of the Gryffindor girls asks.

He turns to the potion unscrewing it from it's stand. I narrow my eyes as he holds up the small vile of gold liquid. I raise my eyebrows at the realization of what it is, I bump Draco's arm and nod in the direction of the potion.

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