Where will it go?

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" Just drop it in." He says, his tone annoyed.

I sigh " What if that's not what we're supposed to do and the parchment just burns up?" I question.

He rolls his eyes " Then it's a good thing we wrote it down on parchment instead of throwing the book in." he says in an annoyed tone.

I huff " Okay." I say quietly.

I look at the small portal that had appeared when we casted the charm. We had looked at my Fathers wand and found that this was the last spell he used. I was skeptical but I also wanted to know what it did.

I reach my hand out and drop it into the portal. As soon as the parchment passes all the way through the portal closes, leaving us to stare at the empty space.

" Do  you think we'll know, if it worked?" He asks curiously as we both stare at the empty space.

" Um," I say, biting my lip as I stare at the space in front of me. I tilt my head, confused " I don't think so?" I say, unsure of myself.

He sighs loudly " Brilliant." he says sarcastically.

I frown as I stare at the space, about to say something when the front door opens. Daphne skips in with a wide smile on her face and a green envelope in her hand.

I turn to Draco and he shrugs as she stops in front of me. I turn back to her and she holds the letter out to me.

Draco Malfoy, Elliana Locke.

I look up at her and she smiles excitedly. Draco walks over to look over my shoulder as I open the letter.

Theodore Nott
Daphne Greengrass

Request your attendance for the 4th of August.
At the Nott Manor.

Formal wear is required.
Please RSVP by July 1st.

I look up at her " You didn't waste anytime did you?" I ask teasingly, making her scoff. I smile widely at her, pulling her into a hug " I'm happy for you." I say calmly.

She sighs " I think everyone needs a distraction right now, it's good for everyone." she says lightly.

I pull back " You don't need to rush it just to give people a distraction Daph." I say softly, giving her a worried look.

She shakes her head " I'm not, I'm just excited, I don't want to wait any longer." she says calmly. 

I nod smiling at her " As long as you're happy." I say honestly.

She nods " I am, now for the other part." she says nervously. I raise an eyebrow and she smiles " Will you be my maid of honor?" she blurts out quickly. Cringing at how fast the words escaped her mouth.

I laugh, pulling her into a tight hug " Of course!" I say excitedly.

She nods " Good, good, I'll go tell Theo." she says walking away, still nodding to herself.

I smile as she walks away, Draco's arm landing on my shoulder. I wrap both of my arms around his waist " She's nervous." I say quietly.

He nods " I could tell." he says, his tone amused.


A couple months later...

" Daphne I swear to godric if you don't stay still I'm leaving you here with Pansy." I say angrily as I attempt to curl her hair.

She bounces up and down in her seat excitedly " I'm just excited, nervous and excited, nervcited." she says quickly.

I try my best to ignore her bouncing to focus on the task at hand. It was the day of the wedding ad I was helping her get ready in her room. Draco was with Theo in his room helping him along with Blaise.

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