scared of the moon.

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I spend the rest of the evening cleaning cauldrons for Professor Snape, while ignoring the sideways glances he throws at me.

When he dismisses me I walk straight to the dungeons, I mutter the password for the door to open and cross the common room.

Passing my friends on the couch I go straight to the dorm, slamming the door shut after I enter.

I sit down on the bed only now noticing Pansy on hers, her face is bruised and I feel a sort of pity for her. She's staring at me, probably wondering if I'm going to say something, I sigh " I'm not going to apologize, if that's what your waiting for?" I say looking up to meet her eyes.

To my surprise she doesn't glare at me like I had thought she would, " It's my fault," she says looking down. I furrow my brows at her waiting for her to continue " I went too far mentioning your father, I shouldn't have done that." she says quietly.

I can feel my mouth drop in surprise, I compose myself I didn't think she would apologize. In fact I didn't think she'd say anything at all . I take a minute wondering what to say.

She looks up questioning my silence with a curious expression, " Don't do it again, and maybe you won't end up with that." I say pointing at my own eye to show her what I'm talking about. She reaches up poking at the purple bruise, " That's reasonable." she says adding a small smile.


 " Can anyone venture a guess as to what's inside?" Professor Lupins voice echo's around the room.

" Um, A boggart sir." a boy to the left answers, " Excellent, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?

I raise my hand at the same time as Hermione's shoots up, " Miss Granger?" he asks and I turn to scowl at Hermione, the boys snickering behind me when I do. When did she even get here? she wasn't here when I got here and I was one of the last ones here.

" No one knows, boggarts are shapeshifters. they take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so,"- " So terrifying." Lupin interrupts.

I glare at the back of Hermione's head " I knew that." I hiss to Draco and he laughs at me, " Our little Ravenclaw is disguise." he mutters followed by a laugh, I roll my eyes smacking him with my book.

Lupin explains the charm Ridikulus and makes us practice it without our wands.

" say it with me Ridikulus!" he says in a loud voice, " Ridikulus " we all say in unison.

" This class is ridiculous," Draco mutters rolling his eyes and earning a nod from Crabbe.

Lupin explains that we also need laughter for it to work, and then calls Neville forward.

The boy looks around before stepping hesitantly forward, " now Neville, what frightens you most of all?" he ask with a gentle smile.

Neville shifts slightly looking around " Prof.." I cant hear the rest his voice is too quiet, " Sorry?" Lupin says holding a hand to his ear " Professor Snape." laughter starts from everywhere in the room, and I too mind myself trying to suppress a laugh that escapes anyway.

" Ah, professor snape, frightens all." Lupin says quietly chuckling to himself.

He continues to speak to Neville, but ruffling behind me catches my attention. I look to Draco fidgeting with his sling, " do you really need that?" I whisper quietly to him.

He mocks an offended face " I could've died, that beast could've killed me." he shakes his head. I roll my eyes turning away from him " It's your own fault," I smirk looking forward, he smacks me in the back of the head. I turn around scowling at him and he grins at me, seeing as I can't hold back the smile his grin brings to my face I turn around.

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