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The next few weeks are about the same as last summers. I attend meetings, and write to my friends. All while trying to think of ways to apologize to Draco.

He hasn't been necessarily avoiding me, but he also doesn't attempt to talk to me. I can't help thinking that we had just made up, and now we were fighting again. It was a total repeat of last summer, adding in the death eater part.

He's been to my manor multiple times since that night, seeing as Bellatrix is training him. Training him in the ways of dark magic, training him to be a death eater.

I watch their training, mainly cause I'm curious myself. I know plenty of spell including dark spells. But the ones Bellatrix uses are different, ones I've never seen. So I've been watching notebook in hand and jotting down any new spell I hear.

Blaise had sent me a letter earlier in the month, inviting me to visit him in Italy. I had almost accepted but decided against it. I had meetings to attend and I didn't want to just disappear when I was needed here.

However apparently it was the wrong thing to do. Because I quite literally drop my book when I see Blaise standing by the floo. In all his glory, giving me a wide grin and seeming happy that he's surprised me. 

Now my Bestfriend is in the same house as Bellatrix Lestrange. Things just kept getting worse, would I ever get a break from the karma that apparently had it out for me. I suppose not.

" Well don't just stand there," He says with a roll of his eyes, " I believe I deserve a hug for my amazing surprise." he says confidently. 

One shot of Angels trumpet draught please!

" Hey Blaise, how are you?" I ask forcing my face to warm, I walk towards and he pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

" I'm absolutely delightful! What about you?" He says excitedly, almost making me cringe.

I smile " I'm well, to what do I owe this unexpected visit?" I question; wondering what possible reason he could have for showing up at random.

He laughs " I missed my bestfriend," I raise an eyebrow  " and my mother wouldn't leave me alone." he says his tone annoyed.

I laugh " As nice as this is, you really should have owled." I say tilting my head slightly. My mind constantly trailing to Bellatrix. Where was she? Hopefully downstairs or outside where Blaise wouldn't see her.

he mocks an offended face, scowling at me " And take away the surprise aspect! That's no-"

" Blaise?" I turn to see Draco standing by the door looking confused. 

Blaise's face turns red, then he turns to me and starts wiggling his eyebrows a wide grin on his face. He nudges me in the side " Maybe I should have sent an owl," he says teasingly, turning to wink at Draco who blushes.

" You really should have." I say plainly, turning to him with my brows furrowed. Completely ignoring the look he exchanges with Draco.

He rolls his eyes walking towards Draco and pulling him into a hug, clapping him on the back. I watch the exchange with panic in my eyes, wondering if at any minute Bellatrix will appear. I can't help thinking that if she does we'll both lose our bestfriend, he'll run off and tell Missus Zabini who will tell the ministry, and we'll be done for.

The panic is still in my eyes when he turns back to me. I look up quickly, blinking away the panic and planting a warm smile on my face.

" So what have you guys been up to?" He asks, plopping down on the couch.

I take a seat beside him " Literally nothing," I say with a shrug.

He scoffs " Then why didn't you come to visit me!" he says jabbing me in the ribs with his fingers.

" Ow." I hiss, rolling my eyes at him. He raises an eyebrow, I mimic him and he scoffs before I answer " I had a business meeting, I couldn't leave." I say frowning.

His eyes go to Draco then back to me slowly " Did you enjoy the business meeting?" he says with a smirk. I gasp, smacking him in the back of the head for what he's insinuating. He laughs as I hit him with my newly reclaimed book.

" Not what I meant!" I hiss, noticing Draco blush out of the corner of my eye. The heat finding my cheeks as I scowl at Blaise.

Blaise scowls at me " Geez Ellie, calm down." he hisses, before adding " No need to be embarrassed." the smirk reclaiming his feature as he does.

I smack him again with my book " Quit it!" I hiss. But it only makes him laugh, I shake my head in disbelief. My eyes wandering the room to find Draco holding back laughter. I scowl at him and he laughs, making Blaise start to laugh even harder.

I roll my eyes at Draco " Stop encouraging him!" I say, but a laugh escapes my mouth as I do. He grins at me for the first time in a long time, I return the smile.  

" Sorry, I can't help it." He says his voice sounding happy as another low chuckle escapes his lips.

I roll my eyes, turning back to Blaise " Alright settle down." I say shaking my head at him as he wipes a tear from his eye.

" Your reaction was priceless Bellissima." He says with a grin. His face still red from laughter, and his eyes watering slightly.

I scoff rolling my eyes " Shut it Blaise, before I make you." I say holding up my book teasingly.

He composes his face into a serious one " I don't think your boyfriend would like that." he says breaking out in laughter once again.

I shake my head in disbelief about to say something when I'm interrupted.

" I most certainly would not." Draco says mocking Blaise's serious face.

I turn to him tilting my head. What just happened, I was about to say he wasn't my boyfriend. But apparently he thinks he is, even after ignoring me for the past month. he notices my confusion and shrugs.

With Blaise distracted I keep my focus on Draco, 'Bella?" I mouth not wanting Blaise to hear me. He shakes his head 'Gone' he mouths back. I tilt my head questioning this, he rolls his eyes 'Task' he mouths. I nod turning away, good to know.


After a couple hours Blaise heads home, promising to visit again before summer ends. I tell him to send an owl before he comes, he agrees.

Once were alone Draco pulls me into a hug " I'm sorry I got mad at you." he says quietly into my hair. For a moment I'm surprised that he's apologizing. I'm the one that kept it from him, therefore I should be apologizing to him.

I push the thought away and wrap my arms around his torso, squeezing him tight " I deserved it." I say just as quiet. I've come to terms with the fact that I should have told him. It wasn't fair to keep it a secret, even from him. Even if my reason was to protect him, even if it pained me to do so. 

From now on I'd tell him everything. He was the person who was always there even if it was at a distance. He didn't deserve me lying to him, he deserved the truth. from now on that's what he'd get.

" Maybe you did." He says with a laugh, I pull away smacking his arm lightly before laughing. I smile up at him and he presses a kiss to my forehead. He rests his head on top of mine as he pulls me tighter to him. His strong arms around me make me feel safe, making me instantly relax into his warmth.

" Has anyone ever told you you give the best hugs?" I ask lightly.

He chuckles and I can feel it rumble through his chest " No?" he says, his tone questioning.

I sigh " Well you do." I hum, nuzzling my head into his chest.

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