Much worse.

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Last night I was informed of Moody's death. Our plan was partially successful, minus the killing of Potter. They got away, to wherever they were headed. I hadn't been told the location of the safehouse, it was for the best.

There's been multiple ideas being thrown around. And they've been putting Snape under a lot of pressure. But as he's pointed out to them, they don't trust him anymore. They're absolutely losing their minds and Snape is trying to find ways to get information. And I can't exactly owl Potter and ask him where he is.

So now I'm in a meeting with the rest of the death eaters. We're all trying to figure out a better strategy. It involves a lot of yelling, mainly by the dark lord. This is a normal occurrence so by now I've gotten used to it.

Lucius's wand proved to be weak against Potter. It has been destroyed in the fight, which left the dark lord wandless. (A/N: and noseless. sorry I had to.)

So now he stalks around the table, waiting for volunteers. A sickening smile on his face as he looks around the table. Same as last time no one volunteers. No one wants to be the one to give him the weapon that will kill the boy who lived. I'm willing to bet somewhere deep inside they still have hope, at least some of them.

I sit at the end of the table, right next to him. Draco across from me, Snape to my right. Something about the arrangements seems strange. It reminds me of my first meeting, only Lucius was where Draco is now.

It was simpler then, when everything was still slightly normal. As normal as our life truly gets now. When Draco wasn't a part of this and I wasn't constantly looking over my shoulder at him. It was simpler when I looked across the table to Lucius instead of him. But there's no time to be sentimental.

I feel Nagini's presence at my feet, making Asha hiss. For the last while I've been keeping her close, as a comfort. The meetings have been rather rough as of late and it's become harder to keep composed. I reach into my sleeve and she crawls down into my hand. She slithers her way through my fingers, seeming bored.

" Ellie?" His voice says from behind me. I turn my head, not fully facing him but enough that he knows I'm listening. " You are still in the good graces of the Potter boy, correct?" he questions.

I nod, knowing full well Harry and the rest of the trio trust me. Lupin and the others as well, but that's for a different reason. They know everything whereas the trio does not. I'd rather not have to exploit this friendship but if I have to I will.

" I want you to deliver a message." he drawls, I look up to him curiously. His red eyes stare back into mine " I'll tell you what it is when the time is closer," he says, walking to his chair and sitting down.

What message did he have that he himself couldn't deliver. He has the power to speak into ones mind, why couldn't he just do that. Instead of involving me in unnecessary things.

" For now," He starts with a gruesome smile spreading on his face " You have a wedding to attend."


First of all, who the hell has a wedding during a war? Second why was I the one who had to do this. Someone could have easily used polyjuice potion, and go as a family member. I would've even allowed them to go in my place. Actually, I know too much so that wouldn't work.

I apparate to the burrow, it looks the same as it did before the fire. They had rebuilt it the exact same as before. With room stacked on room and planks holding it together.

I wasn't invited to the wedding, obviously. So my excuse was that I needed to talk to Lupin, who I've been informed will be here. Therefore it's my best bet and people should believe me if all goes well.

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