Just the beginning.

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I walk hand in hand with Draco to the room of requirements. He's dressed in one of his signature black suits. Tonight is the night we planned for them to come. It's been a few weeks since Draco got out of the hospital wing. Our days were spent sitting around waiting for Lucius's owl. 

We're to make sure they come through alright. Then we will head to the astronomy tower, where we were told Dumbledore and Harry should be. That bit of information was given to us by Snape. Whatever he had going on with the order, I think It's done now.

I wore a long black flowy dress, with long mesh sleeves. Along with a pair of black converse, I wasn't sure what would go down but I wanted to be ready to run. My hair is half up half down, I hadn't bothered to curl it or anything. It had a slight natural curl to it so there was no point wasting time.

The doors open in front of us and I draw in a deep breath. He squeezes my hand gently while he too takes a deep breath. This was the moment we had both been waiting for, this was the beginning. 

We step into the room of requirements in all it's messy glory. Heading straight for the cabinet without any further hesitation. The knob on the cabinet is slowly turning, signaling their way here. When the nod is fully turned it will click open and they will step out.

I stand impatiently, resisting the urge to bounce on my heels. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life. But the thought of the death eaters at Hogwarts would be enough to send anyone over the edge.

The door clicks and I watch it open with my face emotionless. This is how I've gotten through the meetings, and it's how I'll get through tonight. I quickly glance to Draco and he looks over to me with a nod. This is it.

Bellatrix appears first, as well as Fenrir Greyback and a few masked others. It disgusts me that they brought him, seeing as he's notorious for eating children. The fact that they would bring him to a school filled with children, It makes me almost cringe, and slightly more anxious.

Bellatrix smiles lightly at us, we both nod to her. Her eyes glance at our hands intertwined for just a moment. The curiosity that fills her eyes in that moment seems genuine. We turn walking away from them without a single word.

Draco has a job to do, and I'll be damned if I'm not there with him when he does it.


I hear voices as I walk up the stairs to the astronomy tower. I glance at Draco worriedly and he furrows his brows. We were told that Harry should be gone by now, so who was the other voice? We weren't even sure they would be in this spot, Snape just told us they'd be apparating here.

Draco turns to me stopping in his tracks " Stay here." he says sternly. I nod, not wanting to argue with him over this. If I'm being honest I didn't really want to see this either. He leans forward, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. He squeezes my hand gently before releasing it.

He walks back up the stairs and I hear Dumbledore's ring out. I'm too far down the stairs so I can't hear what they're saying. But I do hear a shuffling noise coming from under the platform, as if someone were walking around there. I pause looking around, the voices continuing their quiet conversation.

'There's no way Harry is that stupid' I think to myself. He was supposed to be gone there's no way he'd still be here. I know that he's not exactly the smartest person, given all his plans fall apart. I just never thought he was this stupid. 

I hear the sounds of the others approaching from the hall. The shouts and sound of running footsteps echoing around, as well as a loud cackling. The door opens and I hear them racing up the stairs. I compose myself to stay emotionless as Bella stops in front of me.

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