Hello From The Grave.

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" Dad?" I ask quietly, my voice trembling slightly. I take a small step forward, to see if he'll disappear. When he doesn't move I walk up to him slowly, ignoring Neville reaching for me.

My dad smiles as I approach opening holding his arms out. I walk over and reach my hand out towards him. I expect my hand to go straight through him to the other side. Instead his hand interlocks with mine and he squeezes it.

" Hi Ellie," he says in a soft voice, he looks down at my hand and smiles. I look up at him and a tear slides down his cheek " You haven't been reading my letters, have you?" he questions with a chuckle.

I shake my head still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he's in front of me. I hadn't been able to find his letters after my Mother died. I would have loved to read all of them up to this point but I couldn't find them. I looked everywhere in the manor, not even Mori knew where they were.

He pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I wrap my arms around his torso and squeeze to make sure he's actually there " How are you here?" I ask curiously.

He sighs " unfortunately it's not permanent." he says in a sad tone. I furrow my brows as I look up at him, he frowns " You've read my book?" he asks. I nod gently and he smiles " No not that book, my spellbook?" he asks.

" Oh." I say and shake my head quickly. I hadn't known he even had a spellbook, though I guess it makes sense. He was extremely talented and I know he's created spells before so it only makes sense. I wonder where he kept it? I've looked through his study more times than I can count.

He smiles " That's okay," he says in a calm tone. He looks around the corridor for a minute before turning back to me " We'll go get it." he says firmly.

I don't have time to protest before I feel myself twisting. The air rushing past me and squeezing  me through it's endless tunnel.

When it stops I look around to see that we're at the manor. He takes my hand and pulls me towards the door. He looks at me expectantly as we get to the door and I give him a confused look.

He laughs lightly " Your wand Ellie, he still keeps it locked you need to use your wand." he says in an amused tone. I nod and point my wand at the door muttering 'Alohomora' and pushing it open.

As soon as I step through the door I instantly look for Draco. I didn't want him to see me talking to myself, he'd think I've gone crazy. I've excepted that Neville probably didn't see him and most likely thinks I've lost it. However I'm trying to avoid that with Draco.

I walk towards the study but his hand stops me. He shakes his head a slight smile on his face " It's not in there." he says lightly. He turns and starts up the stairs and I follow after him trying to keep up with his pace.

He surpasses all the doors before stopping to wait in front of mine. I give him a curious look and he nods towards the door. I walk over and push the door open just enough to peek inside. I don't want to just swing it open in case Draco's in there. I'm sure the conversation following wouldn't be very pleasant.

When I peek inside the first thing I see is Draco which complicates things. He's laying in my bed on his stomach, one arm under the pillow the other holding something. He's not wearing a shirt but he has the blankets pulled midway up his back. I hear his soft breathing as I open the door and poke my head inside. he's asleep, which means we- or I'll have to be quiet.

I turn back to my dad who's curiously waiting, I cringe " Where is it, I'll grab it." I say quickly. He furrows his brows in confusion before rolling his eyes and pushing the door open. He stops in his tracks in the doorway and I freeze behind him.

I wait for his reaction waiting for him to break the silence and say something. I see the corner of his mouth turn up in a smirk, he turns to me " I was rooting for him you know." he says with a chuckle. My eyes widen as the heat rushes to my cheeks and he just laughs " heartstopper that one, ever since he was a baby. Everyone wanted to hold baby Draco, he was my favorite, Blaise is okay." he rambles as he walks into the room.

I follow after him trying to move as silently as I can. I watch him kneel down at my rug and flip it over " I mean, Harry was okay for that little bit you hung out with him. But no doubt I was rooting for Draco, your Mother was rooting for that Ravenclaw dude but she's biased, and they say I'M the evil one." he chuckles as he runs his fingers over the floorboards.

His hand stops and he presses down on one of them. It makes a clicking sound before it pops off and he picks it up moving it to the side. He pulls a dark grey leather bound book from where the board had been. He reaches down into it again and pulls out a black leather messenger bag. He tosses it towards me and I pick it up peeking inside.

A smile spreads across my face as I see the letters inside. This must have been where my Mother got the letters from. She'd hidden them inside a bag with an undetectable extension charm, she was always so smart.

I look up to my Father flipping through the pages of his book. he stops on a page and hands the book to me eagerly. I grab it carefully and let my eyes graze over the pages, widening as they do.

Resurrection spell

I stare down at the pages with a shocked expression, he did it. I look up at him with wide eyes and he nods " I haven't tested it but there's no time like the present right?" he asks. I look back down at the book, he wanted me to resurrect him?

He shakes his head " No, not me." he says slowly. I frown, if he didn't want me to resurrect him than why was he showing me? And who says I could even do it, I'd do it if I could, but who does he want me to resurrect?

he chuckles " You'll find out soon enough." he says calmly putting the bag back under the floorboards and placing it back in place. I glance down at the book for a minute, what if it did work. I could bring him back and my Mother we could all be together again.

" No Elliana," He says in a stern voice, I look up to see his brows furrowed. He shakes his head at me " You can't bring everyone back, you mustn't use this for selfish purposes." he says in a disapproving tone.

I nod quickly " Okay." I say quietly closing the book. I hear Draco stir and turn to face the bed with a worried expression. He's still sleeping, I hadn't woken him but we should probably go before we do. I turn to my Father and he nods seeming to know what I'm thinking. 

He starts to walk out the door while my eyes linger on Draco. He looks so peaceful, the item he's holding is one of my stuffed bears. It's kind of funny to see Draco Malfoy cuddling with a stuffed bear.

I glance back to see my Father gone, he must've walked away already, he can wait another minute. I walk over to the bed and lean over to pull the covers up over his shoulders. I reach over and gently move his hair out of his face, I lean in and place a gentle kiss on his forehead. I pull away and smile down at him for a minute before sighing and walking out the door.

I close it behind me as quiet as I can as to not wake him. When I turn around I don't see my Father in the hallway so I wander down the stairs. However when I get there he's not there either I look around for him for a few minutes. 

After I've checked pretty much the whole house I come to the realization that he isn't here. He's gone again and I didn't even get to say goodbye. All I had now was his book and his letters, and a spell I had no clue how to cast even though I was somehow supposed to use it.

I had to figure it out before I went back to Hogwarts. I also had to figure out who my Father had wanted me to use the spell on. As far as I knew there wasn't anyone who specifically needed to be here. Of course there was Dumbledore but I highly doubt that's who I'm supposed to bring back. I head to my Fathers study to read through the notes scribbled across every page of the book.

A/N: Hi guys! So I know there isn't actually a resurrection spell but I thought it would come in handy. I thought it would be cool if that was the last spell he ever created. I will add more details of the spell later on.

QOTD: Do you want a background of Ellie's Father?

Lots of love,

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