I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

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I groan glaring at Harry as he asks me for the fifth time what lycanthropy is. I skipped Hogsmeade for this in order to help him out with this. Draco was furious, Though I hadn't told him I was helping Harry. He would have lost it on me if I had, I would have had apologize a hundred times just to get him to look at me; and I would have too.

" Harry it's right here," I point to the section of the book that explains it. He narrows his eyes at the paper nodding and writing it down on his second sheet of parchment. Not that he'd filled his first one, No he spilled ink on it and we had to start over.

I watch as he writes messily on the page. Wondering whether he went to kindergarten, or if he had skipped over learning to write completely.

I wonder what my friends were doing in Hogsmeade, Probably at Honeydukes. Or just wandering around, looking at all the shops.

" Done!" Harry exclaims and I shush him, he gives me an apologetic look and I roll my eyes. I realize there's not a single word about identifying a werewolf on his first page.

I hand him another piece of parchment " Now write down how to identify them." He nods returning to his parchment. But instead of writing he draws a mutated dog, holding it up with a grin.

I roll my eyes with a smirk " I said write it down not draw it you moron." I laugh. Taking the paper from him and smacking him with it. He grins grabbing a new piece of parchment from the pile and writing it down.

" There happy?" he says pushing it towards me, I read through it and it honestly surprises me. If he knows how to identify one why can't he see that Lupin is one?

" Good now give it to Snape tomorrow and you'll be set." I say standing and gathering my book. He stands as well gathering his things with a sigh " Are you going to Hogsmeade?" he questions. I nod starting to walk and he follows.

He frowns " I have to find a way to get there," I look over at him, " How are you planning to do that?" I ask curious. He thinks for a minute before answering " I think I have an idea." he grins.


Harry hadn't told me what his idea was but I wait for him outside his common room anyway. 

The door opens but no one steps through, I think the fat lady's losing it. That is until someone Elbows me in the ribs from nowhere.

I spin around looking for someone, before seeing a glint on the wall and reaching for it. Feeling fabric in my hands I pull on it, To reveal a grinning Harry.

" This just might work Potter." I say with a grin, he nods grabbing the cloak from my hands and draping it over himself once more.


I walk to Hogsmeade alone Harry having been caught by the Weasley twins. However I wasn't going to miss out.

So I walk into Honeydukes with a smile on my face looking around and grabbing a few things off the shelves. And putting them in a pile on the counter.

I walk out the door, noticing a ruffling noise before I look down to a lollipop levitating out of my bag. I laugh so he did make it past the twins.

I notice Draco walking away from the village to where I know the shrieking shack to be and follow. The footprints in the snow appearing slightly behind me.

Draco's teasing Granger and Weasley Harry pulls me behind a tree, before I notice him start to roll snowballs. I help him do just that, throwing one at the back of Draco's head with a grin. I duck behind the tree before he can see me.

" Who's there!" he yells out in our direction.  I might be mistaken but to me he sounds slightly frightened.

Harry throws more snowballs as I hold back a laugh. Until Crabbe's pants are pulled down and I can't suppress the laugh that follows. I watch as the boy's run off, not bothering to hide my laughter as they do.

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