9 3/4 of the way to Hogwarts

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                                                                  see what I did there^^

I wake up to a knock on my door and sit up glaring at the door "who is it?" I ask my voice rough, " Narcissa" she answers " It's time to go!" She says through the door

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I wake up to a knock on my door and sit up glaring at the door "who is it?" I ask my voice rough, " Narcissa" she answers " It's time to go!" She says through the door. First I don't comprehend what she's saying but when I do I'm flooded with excitement. 

We leave for Hogwarts today, I rush to my bathroom to shower and then pull on a knee length black dress and tie my hair into a high ponytail. Adding a touch of Mascara and a dusting of light brown eyeshadow I run out of my room. I almost run into Narcissa on my way out, she smiles at me and I grin back.

By the time I'm downstairs my trunk it too along with Nebulus's cage with him meowing loudly inside. I head to the kitchen to look for Draco, when I don't find him I walk to Lucius's study, Hearing their voices I wait patiently outside sitting on one of the chairs. Draco's frowning when he comes out of the study I give him a concerned look but he waves me off.

I shrug " Goodmorning! "  I smile Brightly at him, he rolls his eyes " Someone's chipper today" he smirks at me as Lucius walks out of his study. " Goodmorning Lucius, are you accompanying us to the platform today?" I smile at him " of course" he says smiling at me then walking past us.

" What was that about?" I ask gesturing over my shoulder, he leans in and whispers " making sure I make potter's life hell this year" I roll my eyes. Of course he'd make sure of that, Draco told me about how harry had rejected him as a friend when he offered last year I had laughed and He had thrown a pillow at me.


We stand in front of a wall at king's cross station, "so you just run straight at it, there's a sort of portal " Draco says to me when I give him a questioning look. "Oh yeah sure Draco I'll just run headlong into a wall, just for you to laugh when I crash into it and die" I say dramatically laughing and rolling my eyes at him, Does he really expect me to be that stupid? " Okay fine, I'll go first " he smirks and then runs at the wall " Draco don-!" he disappears into the wall and my eyes widen, I look at Lucius my eyes wide and he chuckles. I run at the wall and appear on the other side staring widely at Draco he laughs at my reaction.

Lucius and Narcissa appear through the wall and Narcissa ushers us towards the train we leave our trunks, and Nebulus's cage  in a pile with the others. We say goodbye to Narcissa and Lucius; Lucius once again reminding Draco to make potters life hell. I roll my eyes and wave goodbye before walking with Draco to the train and climbing aboard. we walk through the train keeping our eye's out for our friends, I spot Hermione sitting alone in a compartment glancing anxiously out the window she see's me and waves I offer her a smile and keep walking.

Draco passes by a compartment obviously not noticing Blaise and Daphne in it, I open the door and lean against the frame "who let the cretin on the train?" I say scrunching my nose at Blaise. He scowls at me and I enter the compartment Draco laughing behind me, I sit across from Daphne taking the window seat. 

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