The Phoenix wants Felix.

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Our first trip to the room of requirements was fruitless. Even using the book Draco wasn't able to get the vanishing cabinet to work. It was quite frustrating, we used multiple different spells in an attempt for anything to happen. But still the apple we placed inside never moved at all.

I throw myself onto the couch with a groan, frustrated that I wasn't able to be of any help. Draco continued to mutter incantation after incantation. Growing more frustrated with himself with each time he muttered it to the cabinet.

I grab a book from the pile we created on vanishing cabinets. I sit up pulling my feet under me as I begin to read to see if I can find anything that will clue us in. 

I get about halfway through the book finding nothing that we hadn't already done.

I stand up and throw the book at the vanishing cabinet. Draco gives me a confused look and sighs walking towards me and pulling me to the couch. He sits pulling me down next to him. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same.

" Any ideas in that big brain of yours?" He asks, a light chuckle escaping his lips.

I huff " No, it's currently empty." I say my tone annoyed, mainly with myself.

He smirks " That's impossible, aren't you half Ravenclaw?" he teases. I roll my eyes nuzzling my face into the side of his neck.


Personally I prefer Snape as our defense against the dark arts teacher. Every word draws you in, it's exciting. He makes it sound so much more interesting than Umbridge. His classes were nowhere near as fun as Lupin's, but they were, eventful.

Draco skipped his classes today to work on his cabinet. And I had used the free hour I had to do research in the library.

I was walking back to the dungeons when a familiar voice calls my name. I don't turn or slow down I just keep walking. I hear heavy footfall and then he's next to me.

" What do you want, Potter?" I say annoyed.

He grabs my arm pulling me to a stop " I need to talk to you," he says lightly, I raise an eyebrow for him to go on, he hesitates  " The liquid luck, I need it." he says, his tone pleading.

I can't even believe what I'm hearing. After all I've done for him and for the order, he has the nerve to try to take my last hope from me. What if the Dark Lord finds out about my alliance with the order. It would come in handy to have luck on my side. And he would not be taking that advantage away from me.

I scoff rolling my eyes and tugging my arm out of his grip " No way Potter, I won it fair and square." I say starting to walk again.

" Ellie please, it's important." He says his tone is panicked.

I turn to him with furrowed brows " And I don't need it?" I say referring to my position in this war, I scoff " Believe me Potter, I need this more than you do." I say coldly.

His brows furrow " you're not the one who has to fight Him." he says his tone angry.

I shake my head turning away " No Potter, I just have to do the order's dirty work." he follows me. " Which by the way, is going to get me killed." I say sternly.

" Isn't that the point of being neutral?" he questions, " To help both sides, cause right now you seem to only be helping one." he says his tone accusing. 

The nerve of this boy, I'm starting to think he's actually stupid. Does he want me to die for him? Like the countless people he's endangering by being here. Once Dumbledore's gone who's to say the Dark Lord will wait for an opportunity to get Harry alone? 

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