A date?

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" You what?" Draco asks his tone angry, I turn to him " I said, I'd thing about it." I repeat. He scoffs " Your actually considering going with Potter?" he says his voice disgusted.

I turn to him not bothering to hide my annoyance, " Well no one else has asked me," I say casually. He swallows thickly " And quite frankly I'm surprised Harry had the guts to do it, so yes," I say my voice getting slightly louder " I'm thinking about it." I hiss.

With that I stand, suddenly not hungry anymore and walk out of the hall. I head towards the Dungeons,  hearing footsteps behind me but don't slow. A voice I wasn't expecting calls out and I stop.

" Are you okay?" I turn to face the voice to see Cedric smiling as he glances between me and the hall. I smile at him " Of course, I've dealt with Malfoy before." I say rolling my eyes.

He glances into the hall again before turning to me " Walk with me?" he asks. I nod following him, he waits for me to catch up before walking.

" Have you guys figured out the clue yet?" he ask raising an eyebrow, I scoff " I figured it has something to do with the black lake." I say turning to him with a smile.

" What about you?" I ask curiously, he rolls his eyes with a laugh " About as much as you," he replies. ",I was hoping if we put our heads together we could figure it out?" he asks, I nod " sure"

We take a seat on the fountain in the courtyard. " So, Come seek us where our voices sound, We cannot sing above the ground," I start, " I'm thinking it has to be the black lake," he nods to my theory.

" And while you're searching ponder this; We've taken what you'll sorely miss," I say " So i'm pretty sure there are mermaids in the black lake. Hence not singing above the ground, and they must have taken a treasure of sorts." He adds. I nod.

" And you must have to find a way to breathe under water long enough to find it," I say thinking of the other lines " An hour long you'll have to look, And to recover what we took." I say confirming my theory.

He groans " But the last two lines?" he questions, " But past an hour, the prospect's black, Too late, it's gone, it won't come back." I wince at the idea that pops into my head surely nothing living will be a part of it.

He groans " I get the feeling I'll be stuck on this for awhile." he says a light laugh escaping his lips. I nod " Well we know it'll take an hour, and that it's in the black lake." I say trying to sound reassuring.

" So who are you going to the ball with?" he questions changing the subject, I roll my eyes " So far, no one." I say with a huff.

He raises his eyebrows, surprised " Really? I heard about at least ten people that were going to ask you." he says with a laugh. I nod " The very ones that followed me around all week." I roll my eyes. 

" Even Malfoy?" he asks, I look at him surprised but nod. " That's why I was mad," He leans closer listening intently, I sigh as I begin to retell the story. He listens quietly never once interrupting, at the end he nods.

" So Harry asked you?" he questions, I nod " Maybe Champion to Champion he'll allow me a dance." he says grinning " Of course, if I even go." I reply. He nods looking at me thoughtfully for a minute.

" You could go with Harry and see how Draco reacts." he says with a smirk, I laugh lightly " Careful you almost sound Slytherin." I say teasingly, he laughs.

" You know, I think I'll do that." I say smirking at him, I sit up getting an idea " Mori." I call. My elf appears next to me with a smile, Cedric looks at me confused.

" Last months sketch book please." Mori nods and disappears. I turn to Cedric and he raises an eyebrow, Mori reappears handing me the sketch book.

I flip to one of the pages and flip it to face him " What do you think?" He grabs it looking intensely at the book. 

He smirks raising an eyebrow " I think Harry's going to lose his marbles,"  I grin triumphantly.

" Grey or blue?" I question, he tilts his head at the page " Blue, definitely." I hand the book to Mori and he nods. I clap my hands together " Now to inform Harry," I say grinning.


Draco continues to ignore me so after Lunch I find Harry walking with Ron. I approach them with a smile, and Harry shoots me a hopeful one back.

I walk along beside them Ron looks at me curiously but I ignore him. " I assume you saw the commotion last night?" I mutter to Harry, he nods " What was that about?" he asks curiously.

I sigh " You," his eyes widen, and I continue " And the Yule ball of course." I say smirking and he relaxes. " So?" he questions his tone anxious, I stop and look at him. Did he think I'd be here now if it weren't a yes?

I nod " I'll go with you," he grins and Ron groans beside him. I hold a finger up " On one condition." he furrows his brows at me but nods.

" I owe Cedric a dance," I say continuing to walk, he nods " Of course." I smile at him and he smiles back. I sigh looking at Ron " What about you Ron, got a date?" he shakes his head.

I look around the courtyard, eyeing the Pavil twins. " How about Padma? or Pavarti?" he follows my gaze " I guess it's worth a shot." he says and heads towards him.

" Ellie." I turn around to see Blaise, I smile at him " What's up?" I ask innocently.

He turns to glare at Harry " I think you know what's up." I roll my eyes, " If your here on Draco's behalf you can tell him I'm going with Harry," I pause " And that I'm mad at him." 

He rolls his eyes " I'm here for Daphne." he says bluntly, I frown, This won't be good. I turn to Harry " I'm afraid I need to go, I'll see you later?" I say apologetically

He nods " Of course, see you later." he turns and walks towards Ron.

Blaise drags me by my arm out of the courtyard, towards an empty corridor. He stops turning to face me.

" Why are you mad at Daphne?" he asks bluntly, My eyes widen shocked " I'm not." I say innocently.

He rolls his eyes " Then why are you avoiding her? You cut her out of your life almost completely!" he says his voice getting louder. I look away from him not wanting to meet his eyes.

" Why?" he asks his voice softening, I shake my head " I don't know Blaise." He groans placing his head in his hands. " What do you mean you don't know?" he hisses, I look up meeting his eyes and seeing not only anger but hurt.

" Because I had to Blaise." I say turning away, " What do you mean you had to?" he asks his tone curious. I sigh in frustration looking up and down the corridor, seeing no one I turn to him.

" Because I don't want what happened to my Mother to happen to her, or you or Draco." I say, disgust creeps up and down my body as I lie to my bestfriend. It's not the true reason but it's the only reason he'll understand.

He grabs my shoulder turning me to face him. " You don't have to worry about that," he says and I notice his facial features have softened; it worked. I look up to meet his eyes trying to portray sadness in my own.

" Nothing will happen, I understand now and I'm sure Daphne will too." He says reassuringly, he pulls me into a tight hug. Poor Blaise, he's too gullible, and I'm too good of a liar.

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